Before sitting down for my morning time with Jesus, I stop in the kitchen and grab a cup of coffee.  As I settle onto the sofa, I’m thinking about the power available to me through the Holy Spirit.  My Women’s Bible Study is currently studying the early church in the Book of Acts. The theme is found in Acts 1:8.  But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Wow!  The energy of the Holy Spirit’s power is unlimited.  I am convicted.  This power is already in me. I just need to use it and Be Bold in my faith.

Take Charge and Don’t Fear

As I pick up my Bible, I reach for a sip of coffee.  As if an object lesson, I notice that my coffee cup is inscribed with the words BE BOLD.  I remember when a friend gave me this cup.  The words, BE BOLD, were my motto when riding a horse. 

On one occasion while living on the ranch, my friend, Kerry, and I took our horses into the Ochoco National Forest for a trail ride.  I was new at riding and unsure of myself.  My horse, Teddy, and I were getting acquainted with each other.  

As we meandered the trail, we came to a ravine with a creek flowing through it.  Teddy stopped, seeking my instruction. But instead of directing my horse to step down into the ravine and ultimately cross the creek, I did nothing.  I froze.  My mind looked at the creek that Teddy needed to cross.  I evaluated  the subsequent uphill climb.  Ultimately, I doubted Teddy and myself.  Kerry coached that I needed to show the horse what I wanted him to do.  But because of my lack of guidance, Teddy sensed my insecurity.  Finally, after much coaxing, Teddy and I crossed the ravine.  Kerry summed up the experience by saying I needed to BE BOLD when riding.  Later, she gifted me with the coffee cup to emphasize her point.

BE BOLD as You Walk in Faith

Spiritually, I also need boldness.  I need boldness to live out my faith in Jesus, in a world that often opposes Him.  I need boldness in sharing my faith with others.  Thankfully, I can turn to the Holy Spirit, just like the early church did in the Book of Acts.  The Holy Spirit is my power source.  Through Him, I can BE Bold.

Dear Holy Spirit, I need your help.  I tend to shy away from conflict and opposition.  May Your power infuse me, so I can BE BOLD and be a courageous witness for You.  Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. Do you struggle with boldness?  Explain.
  2. Share how you’ve experienced Holy Spirit power and boldness today?
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6 Replies to “BE BOLD!”

  1. You are a brave and courageous woman! Thank you for sharing your struggles and strengths when you let the Holy Spirit “take the reins”. Trusting in God and how He emboldens us is so important! Love you Maria!

    1. Thanks for the vote of confidence, Colleen. However, I would never describe myself as either brave or courageous. Thankfully, the Holy Spirit can use even our weakness for His glory. May it be so!

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