Who’s in Your Caravan?

On my morning walk, I saw a lone deer cross the path ahead of me.  I stopped and waited.  Deer travel in a herd; where there is one deer, others are likely to follow.  Sure enough, within seconds, more deer came into view.   Interestingly, while animals travel in herds or packs, people travel in caravans.  In ancient middle eastern cultures, a caravan consisted of traders and pilgrims trekking across the desert together, either on foot or on animals.  In today’s world, we may caravan in cars to a common destination, such as a vacation spot or a sporting event.  But I’m also starting to learn the importance of caravanning in my Christian faith.  I want to live for Jesus in this fallen world.  It’s a difficult path.  Who do I turn to for guidance and support along the way?  Let’s consider, who’s in your caravan?

Advantages of a Caravan

There are benefits to group travel.  A caravan provides companionship, the use of shared resources and accountability.  We learn from the wisdom of others.  Granted, there’s also power in numbers.  Certainly, the environment can be dangerous and harsh.  If we are alone, it’s much easier to stray off course and get trapped by wrong thinking.  Therefore, traveling in a caravan provides safety and protection.  Be mindful that the people in your caravan should be heading in the same direction as you.  They are also seeking Jesus.  They too are just passing through this earth.  Ultimately, their home is heaven.  So why not travel together?  Who’s in your caravan?  

Who’s in Your Caravan?

It’s almost impossible to live out our Christian faith in a vacuum.  In fact, we shouldn’t.  Hebrews 10:24-25 tells us the following:  Let us think of way to motivate one another to acts of love and good works.  And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of his return is drawing near.

We need a caravan.  Our caravan consists of those people who travel with us in life and in faith.  It includes those who encourage us, and we them.  We pray and minister together.  We jointly wrestle with God.  As a community, we desire to  please our heavenly Father.  We recognize the importance of Proverbs 27:17.  As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.  Do you belong to a caravan like this?  Who’s in your caravan?

Road Crossing

Please know, I am not suggesting that we only associate with people who think, and act like us.  Not at all!  As we journey, our caravan will certainly cross paths with other caravans.  In fact, people may choose to leave your caravan and join another.  In the meantime, we are called to love and respect whomever we meet along the way.  Just remember, don’t attempt to travel this journey alone.  We are made for community.  We all  need a caravan.

Dear Lord, I am so thankful for my caravan.  We lock arms and look to You as we journey through the trials and joys of life.  What a privilege!  Amen.

Questions for Discussion:

  1. Who do you consider to be a part of your caravan?
  2. How does your caravan provide safety, encouragement, and security, in your spiritual journey?
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2 Replies to “Who’s in Your Caravan?”

  1. Our recent Bible Study put me among beautiful women all traveling in the same direction. It was such a pleasure to share, worship, and learn together. We came to table together and nourished, one another – a beautiful caravan, heading towards enlightenment, and love.

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