Give Me Ears to Hear

When I was a child, I remember my dad reprimanding me with the words, “Open your ears!” Spiritually, I think my Heavenly Father is doing the same.  Lord, give me ears to hear!

I’ve always been intrigued with words and their meaning.  Consequently, I was surprised to learn that in the Hebrew, there is no word for obey.  To hear means to obey.  However, this assumes that you can hear.  Over the past few years, I have been on a mission to better recognize and hear God’s voice.  Thankfully, the Lord is slowly and tenderly showing me how to distinguish His voice from the many voices which compete for my attention.  

The Call to Listen

In both the Old and New Testament, we are challenged to listen.

Whoever has ears, let them hear.”  Matthew 13:9  

In sacrifice and offering you have not delighted, but you have given me an open ear. Psalm 40:6.

The Lord God has opened my ear, and I was not rebellious; I turned not backward.  Isaiah 50:5.

A Bondservant and Open Ears

How can we open our ears?  Surprisingly, we find a physical illustration to this spiritual reality in Exodus 21:6.  …then his master shall bring him to God, and he shall bring him to the door or the doorpost.  And his master shall bore his ear through with an awl, and he shall be his slave forever.

Ouch!  This reminds me of a person that has a gauge in their ear.  They desire to create a hole in their ear lobe.  Consequently, a circular disc or plug is inserted in the ear lobe to stretch it.  In ancient times, a bondservant was marked or branded with the opening of the ear.  The hole in the ear was a visual representation that the servant would listen and obey their master.  Likewise, I am a bondservant of the Lord.  I too want open ears.  Instead of using gauges, I need the Holy Spirit’s help to be attentive to the voice of God and to respond to it.

Hearing God’s Voice

Without a doubt, each moment of the day, we are bombarded by voices. Interestingly, I’m discovering that God’s voice is often gentle and quiet.  It can easily be overwhelmed by louder voices vying for my attention.  Kristi McLelland, Bible teacher and author of Gospel on the Ground says, “Make space and God will fill it.”  Consequently, I need to be still and listen.  A mother can naturally distinguish her baby’s cry in a crowded nursey.  Likewise, I too want to be so familiar with God’s voice, that I can easily recognize it.

God Honors and Blesses Obedience

From my efforts to listen and obey, I’m learning some important principles.  First, the Lord honors and blesses my obedience.  It benefits me!  Secondly, God is slowly building my spiritual muscles in obedience.  It’s like He is my spiritual trainer, and we are working out in the gym together.  He starts with light weights, but increases the weight incrementally as I grow in obedience.  Each time I obey, I get stronger, so more weight is added.  Another benefit is that I am growing in boldness and confidence.  I recognize the power of God working in me.  It comes with practice.  It comes from hearing, obeying, and honoring God.  The Book of Acts ends with a statement about the apostle Paul.  He proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ—with all boldness and without hindrance!  Acts 28:31.  That’s what I long for!

The Tug and Pull of Obedience

Unfortunately, I don’t naturally gravitate towards obedience. But the Lord is changing my heart.  I am learning to delight in obeying, because obedience draws me closer to my heavenly Father.  Kristi McLelland says, “We live in the gospel of delight.” Jesus’ gospel is not a gospel of rules and regulations.  It is a gospel of delight. 

Therefore, I have come full circle. I am learning through the power of the Holy Spirit, that I can indeed recognize the voice of God. I can hear His voice, when my ears are open, and I can delightfully respond in willing obedience. This is a continual effort. Lord, Give Me Ears to Hear!

Dear Jesus, thank you for your patience with me as I’m learning to delight in obedience.  Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. How do you recognize God’s voice in this noisy world?
  2. Share a time when your obedience led to blessing.
  3. Meditate on the following song.
Give Me Ears to Hear
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4 Replies to “Give Me Ears to Hear”

  1. Hi Dear Maria
    I’ve been trying to remember how I posted your blog into Touch of Beauty last week.
    Haven’t been successful this week. We’d love for your blog to join this group.
    Wondering if you could share or walk me through how to share your blogs.
    Thank you. Betty

    1. Betty–thank you for the invitation. I think I get add my posts, since I’m a member of that group.

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