Going the Distance in Love

Steve and I just celebrated our 39th wedding anniversary.  As I read the anniversary card from my husband, one sentence stands out.  Steve writes, “Thank you for your long-suffering and patience with me and going the distance in love.”

When we were considering marriage many years ago, I remember thinking about longevity.  Could I see a future with this man?  Both Steve and I had great examples of lasting marriages in our families.  But longevity in a marriage is only one measure of success.  Granted, some lasting marriages are fulfilling while others are a drudgery.  Consequently, Steve and I remain determined to go the distance in love.

How Do You Describe Love?

But what does lasting love in marriage look like?  God has given us a guideline to follow.

Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude.  It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing but rejoices with the truth.  Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.  1 Corinthians 13:4-7

I have two emotions as I write this.  The first is amazement by the many attributes of love.  The second is sadness, because I continually fail to live up to this standard. Granted, lasting love is hard work.  No doubt, Steve and I are selfish individuals.  Therefore, we must daily choose to sacrificially love one another.

Long-Suffering in Marriage

I must admit, long-suffering wasn’t on my radar 39 years ago.   However, it has certainly played a pivotal role in our marriage.

According to the Oxford English Dictionary, “Long-suffering means patiently enduring injuries, insults, trouble, provocation, or unhappiness for a long time, especially when it is caused by someone else.  This is likened to a candle with a very long wick which is prepared to burn for a long time.”

In our case, Steve’s chronic migraines and depression have produced long-suffering.  Our marriage has been called to endure an unexpected and unplanned hardship.  But truly, what marriage hasn’t?  However, how we respond makes all the difference.  Through the grace of God, Steve and I are committed to going the distance in love.

Going the Distance in Love

Therefore, we celebrate today!  Through our faults and failures, we remain faithful to one another and to the institution of marriage.  With the Lord at our side, Steve and I walk together.  We practice love, patience, and endurance.  Hopefully, our marriage testifies to a watching world.  We are going the distance in love; and it is so worth it!

Dear Jesus, thank you for my husband.  You have given me a husband of integrity and conviction, who loves me unconditionally.  I am so grateful.  Amen.

Questions to Consider: 

  1. What do you see as important qualities in a lasting and fulfilling marriage?
  2. How has your marriage experienced long-suffering?
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10 Replies to “Going the Distance in Love”

  1. Happy Anniversary!
    I have said many times, no one ever said marriage was easy. I believe commitment through thick and thin. Denny and I were married for 43 years. Wishing many more years of love!

    1. Hi Diane. Thank you for the anniversary wishes and for your commitment to marriage. I’m sorry for the loss of Denny. May his memory, and knowing that he’s with Jesus, give you strength and encouragement for each new day!

    1. Betty: Yes, marriage is definitely a combination of joy and tears. Thank you for your example of going the distance in love!

  2. Thank you for your example! I am also thankful for my long-suffering husband and for his integrity and conviction and sacrificial love. God has indeed called you both to a difficult journey and we continue to lift you before the Lord in prayer.

    1. Thanks Diane. It’s definitely a two-way sacrifice that’s only possible by the grace of God!

  3. Wise and difficult words that are easy to say but hard to live out. You and Steve are living proof that going the distance in love can be done and done to the glory of God. Your love for one another gives testimony of God’s grace and empowerment … and sets a Christlike example to follow.

    1. Gosh, you are right Julie–easier to say than to do. Only by God’s grace, could we walk this path. Thank you for you and Dick’s example of going the distance in love!

  4. Congratulations to you Both. Life takes us by surprise , not as we planned, you two have navigated the detours with love. Your are a sight for sore eyes, as the saying goes, you have gone on and above to not become a casualty and that is to be admires and sought after. thank you for staying the course. The Lord Bless You Both!

    1. Thanks Connie for your encouragement and also for you and Bud’s example! We glean from fellow pace-setters. 🥰

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