The Holy Spirit Cannot Be Ignored

It’s pollen season.  As I look out my window, I see a yellow powder covering my deck, grill, and outdoor patio furniture.  I try to keep the pollen outside; but it seeps in through open windows and outdoor shoes.  But most alarming is that my sinuses are negatively responding to the high pollen count this year.  My nose is stuffed up and my head is congested.  Pollen has never bothered me before.  Why now?  Apparently, my immune system has broken down and the pollen is infiltrating my body.  Its influence can no longer be ignored.  Similarly, the Holy Spirit cannot be ignored either.

David’s Sin

“Have mercy on me, O God, because of your unfailing love. Because of your great compassion, blot out the stain of my sins.” Psalm 51:1

“Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.”  Psalm 51:10

David penned these words after his sins were exposed.  For a year, he thought he had covered up his adultery and murder.  However, guilt plagued David. Peace alluded him. Finally, the prophet Nathan confronted David.  David could no longer ignore the convicting power of the Holy Spirit. David was grieved and undone. He cried out to God for mercy and forgiveness.  (2 Samuel 11-12)

The Holy Spirit Cannot Be Ignored

Granted, there have been times in my life where the Holy Spirit is like pollen.  God’s Spirit wants to get my attention.  He wants to invade my soul.  Wherever I turn, the Holy Spirit is confronting me.  Yet my sin nature tries to ignore Him.  Thankfully, God’s Spirit is relentless.  He doesn’t give up on me.  At last, I surrender.  I say, “Holy Spirit, have your way in me.”  Unlike the negative effects of pollen, the Holy Spirit is a source for good.  The Holy Spirit brings new life, power, and healing. 

Be Filled with the Spirit

Is the Holy Spirit infiltrating your soul?  Just like pollen, God’s Spirit may be trying to get your attention. Welcome Him in. The Holy Spirit cannot be ignored and will certainly change your life!

Thank you, Father, Son, and Spirit, for your presence and power in my life, as this song suggests Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. Share a time when you willfully turned away from the Holy Spirit.  What were the results?
  2. Share a time when you embraced the Holy Spirit.  What were the results?
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