Cast Your Burdens on the Lord

Cast your burdens on the Lord (release them) and He will sustain and uphold you.  He will never allow the righteous to be shaken (slip, fall, fail).  Psalms 55:22 AMP

I have fond memories of fishing trips while growing up.  For a large family of nine, fishing was both an adventure and a challenge.  My memories include waking before sunrise, traveling hours to our favorite lake, feeling the rhythmic motion of the waves rocking the boat, touching slimy worms, and of course, endlessly waiting for fish to bite.  However, most exciting, was the thrill of a fish tugging on my fishing line, as I fought to bring the fish to the edge of the boat and ultimately into the awaiting net. 

In contrast, a less  pleasant memory of fishing was watching my dad untangle fishing lines.  With so many young fishermen, we had difficulty staying out of one another’s personal space, particularly when it came to casting.  

Casting Takes Practice

For an experienced fisherman, casting looks so easy and graceful.  However, it takes practice to coordinate when and how to release the line.  The first time I tried to cast, nothing happened.  The line remained caught in my fishing reel. Other attempts at casting would result in the line dropping a couple feet in front of me.  Then there were occasions when obstacles, such as trees or people interfered with my casting efforts!

Cast Your Burdens on the Lord

The Bible has its share of fishing stories and fishing terms.  Casting is one of them.  

Cast all your cares upon Him, because He cares for you.  1 Peter 5:7

Cast your burdens on the Lord (title of Psalms 55)

In a spiritual sense, we must learn to release our burdens to the Lord.  This takes some intentional practice.

To Release or Not to Release

Releasing my burdens may not be an automatic response.  So, why wouldn’t I want to release my burdens to God?  I think sometimes, my pride gets in the way.  I falsely believe that I can handle things alone.  However, other times, my burdens may feel comfortable.  I’ve always had them.  They are all I know.  Furthermore, I may need practice.  Perhaps my casting skills are missing the mark, or I don’t fully release all my burdens.  Unfortunately, I sometimes find myself taking back what I thought I had handed over to the Lord.

By failing to cast my burdens on God, I miss out on the benefits.  I need to trust God with my burdens.  In confidence, I must realize that God is able and willing to receive and handle my burdens, so much better than I.  He will not allow me to slip, fall, or fail.  Therefore, I need to practice, casting my burdens on Him.

Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for being willing to carry my burdens because You care for me.  May I become skilled at casting my burdens to land at your feet.  Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. Describe your first experience with casting a fishing line?
  2. Do you find it difficult to cast and leave your burdens with the Lord?  Why?
Cast Your Burdens on the Lord
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4 Replies to “Cast Your Burdens on the Lord”

  1. Thank you, Maria, for this reminder! What is Christianity 101- is a lifetime of practice! May we learn to “cast” more completely and readily! Love you.🩷

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