God Instructs Me in the Night

Restless Nights

I am thankful that God instructs me in the night, because I have many restless nights.  Apparently sleep issues are common as we age.  After trying all types of remedies and best practices for a tranquil night’s sleep, I’ve conceded.  It’s best not to fight the inevitable.  Instead of turning and tossing, I’ve learned to anticipate sweet fellowship with Jesus.  In the comfort of the Lord’s loving arms, I  listen to His voice.  Surely, God instructs me in the night with His Word and His counsel.

I lie awake thinking of you, meditating on you through the night. Psalms 63:6

God’s Guidance Day or Night

It is incorrect to think that I can only hear from the Lord during the day.  When the Israelites were wandering in the desert during their exodus, God gave them visible signs of His presence.  In the daytime He led them by a cloud, and all night by a pillar of fire.  Psalm 78:14.  God’s presence was with His people whether it was day or night.  Hence, I can be confident of the same constant companionship.

God Instructs Me in the Night

Have you ever awakened from a deep sleep to have the answer to a problem?  I have.  It’s amazing to think that even while sleeping, God is whispering to my heart and mind.  

For God speaks again and again, though people do not recognize it.  He speaks in dreams, in visions of the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they lie in their beds.  Job 33:14-15

Rest In God’s Presence

Our bodies need rest.  Therefore, a good night’s sleep should be my goal.  However, I am also learning to expect the Lord’s presence during the watches of the night.  He may have something to say to me that I am otherwise too distracted to hear.

Dear Heavenly Father, I pray for healthy and peaceful sleep that restores my body and soul.  Likewise, day or night, I desire to hear your voice.  Thank you for always being with me.  Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. What’s your response when you awaken at night and can’t sleep?
  2. How does the Lord speak to you at night?  Share some examples.
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6 Replies to “God Instructs Me in the Night”

  1. Hi Maria,
    Thank you for this encouraging blog! I too am often awake in the wee hours and God gives me praise and worship songs to sing back to him. It happens in my mind and heart rather than in my voice, but it is such a sweet time!😊🙏♥️

    1. Hi Paula. I love your example of God speaking to you during the night! Also, thank you for your encouragement about this blog. It’s fun how it has re-connected us. 🥰

  2. Thank you for this, Maria. I often wake up feeling anxious, worried that I won’t be able to go back to sleep or some other worries. I have a list of favorite hymns in my head that I mentally sing through and they bring comfort and help to quiet my heart.

    1. Hi Diane: I agree that controlling our late-night thoughts is the issue. Thank you for sharing…I love the idea of having a “go to” response to restless nights.

  3. Maria,
    I have turned to prayer for others. It seems to redirect my anxieties and concerns about tomorrow and puts me in the present with the Lord.
    Thank you and the others for sharing your challenges with sleep deprivation.
    God Bless!

    1. What a great practice Terry! It’s amazing how God can use our weakness (lack of sleep) for His glory. Thank you for this example!

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