Walking in the Dust of Jesus

Young children love to mimic their parents.  I remember when our son, Ben, was a toddler, he loved to follow in his dad’s footstep.  When it was time to cut the grass, Ben would pull out his toy lawn mower and push it beside his dad, so they could mow the lawn together.  Whenever Steve was making repairs around the house, Ben would grab his own toolbox and help.  Our son desired to be just like his dad.  Interestingly, this same word picture captures the essence of the phrase walking in the dust of Jesus.  As a disciple or learner of Jesus, I should also desire to copy Jesus’ every move, with the goal of being just like Him.

We Want to Mimic Our Rabbi

Sometimes words and phrases get lost in translation. In Jewish culture, a young man around the age of twelve, would choose a rabbi whom he wished to study under.  Hence, the term walking in the dust is a Hebrew saying which describes the relationship between the student and his rabbi.  I love this concept and want to apply it to my life.  Jesus is my rabbi and teacher.  Consequently, the saying literally means that as a follower of Jesus, I want to walk so closely to my rabbi that the dust that stirs from Jesus’ movements, lands on me.  Now that is closeness! 

Walking in the Dust of Jesus

If you are a fan of The Chosen, you have viewed many scenes of Jesus’ leading His followers as they travel by foot throughout the Judean desert.  The roads are rugged, dirt paths.  Jesus and His disciples are literally walking in the dust as they traverse Israel.  Their feet are covered in dust!  Hence, we find the ancient custom of washing feet as a symbol of hospitality when welcoming guests into your home.  

Jesus Leaves His Imprint on Us

Jesus and His disciples went everywhere together.  In fact, they did life together.  Why?  The disciples yearned for Jesus’ imprint on their lives.  To imprint means to leave a lasting mark or impression.  Jesus’ followers wanted to think and act like Him.  In like fashion, I too want such an intimate relationship with Jesus that I start to think like He thinks, and act like He acts.  Granted, this is a tall order.

In 1 Corinthians 11:1, Paul says, “Be imitators of me as, as I am of Christ.”

Being Transformed by Jesus

“A disciple is not above his teacher, but everyone who is fully trained will be like his teacher.” Luke 6:40

Thankfully, Jesus is in the transformation business.  Through His power,  dramatic change happens in my life.  It has nothing to do with my ability.  It’s all about Jesus.  Therefore, I want to walk closely to Him.  So closely, that His dust covers me.  Are you willing to get dirty?  If so, decide to walk in the dust of Jesus!

Oh Jesus, my Lord and Savior, help me stay close to You, even when the world’s distractions try to lure me away.  Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. In today’s culture, how can you practically walk in the dust of Jesus?
  2. How has Jesus transformed your life?

Walking in the Dust of Jesus

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6 Replies to “Walking in the Dust of Jesus”

    1. Julie, I just finished listening to the book Walking in the Dust of Rabbi Jesus by Lois Tverberg, which was insightful.

  1. In my walk with Christ, I have learned so much! I have learned to face my fears and trust that He is always with me. I have learned that seeking the truth, integrity, honesty, and fearlessness in the pursuit of those pure things far outweigh the Darkness of hiding in dishonesty, secrecy and lack of integrity. The truth will set you free and by walking in Jesus’ footsteps it is abundantly clear how lively His light shines. It shines within us and it is to be shared with others so that we can all walk together with Christ. Thank you so much Maria for your wisdom. I love you.

    1. Colleen, I like the idea of journeying together as followers of Jesus. Thank you for sharing. Jesus definitely shines through you, my friend.

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