Water is Life!

Here I am in Israel!  Since its springtime and there have been winter rains, the landscape is green and lush.  I am pleasantly surprised.  I was expecting a much drier climate.  After all, much of Israel is considered a desert. But no matter the season, finding a water source in Israel is a big deal.  Our tour guide keeps saying, Water is Life.  Water is a vital resource that sustains, grows, and nourishes.  It is crucial for agricultural production and food security.  Knowing this, Israel utilizes wells, natural springs, cisterns, dikes, aqueducts, levees, and water filtration technologies to ensure that water is available throughout the country, all year round.

Jesus is Our Living Water

Being in Israel has helped me better understand Jesus’ reference to being our Living Water.  John 7:37-38 says:

“…If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink.  Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’”

Water is Life!

Water is life!  Jesus is life!

Isaiah 43:19 prophesies:

Behold I am doing something new!  Now it springs forth.  Do you not see it?  I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

Even during the dry and difficult times in life, when it feels like I’m wandering in the desert, I need to remember:  Jesus is my living water.  He gives me life!

Thank you, Dear Savior, for the opportunity to be in Israel, and to walk the places You walked.  Thank you for solidifying in my heart my need for You, as my Living Water.  Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. Think about a time when you were camping or in the wilderness and had to actively search for water.  What was that like?
  2. How do you see Jesus as your Living Water, producing something new in your life?
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