God Sees Every Tear

The Bible says that God sees our tears. In fact, He’s collected them in a bottle. With this in mind, I recently learned about tear bottles. Tear bottles, also called tear catchers, are an ancient Jewish tradition.  The bottles are approximately three inches tall. Their purpose is to hold the tears of mourners.  The mourner would hold the bottle under the eye and collect tears.  Perhaps a husband was being sent off to war, or a mother was grieving the loss of a child. The tears would be preserved in this small bottle, as a memorial of their suffering.

Tears Are Important to God

Have you ever been totally overwhelmed with grief?  Maybe all you can do is cry.  Granted, we can easily feel alone and abandoned.  Therefore, you may find comfort in knowing that tears are mentioned on many occasions in the Bible.

Psalm 56:8 says, “You keep track of all my sorrows.  You have collected all my tears in your bottle and have recorded each one in your book.”  This psalm is referring to the fact that God sees and remembers every single tear that we have shed.  God keeps a record of our pain and suffering and will always remember.

The Symbolism of a Tear Bottle

The tear bottle reminds me that my tears are an offering to the Lord.  Furthermore, I can collect my tears in a bottle and not one of them will be forgotten by the God of the universe! I love the symbolism of the tear bottle.  So I never forget its significance, I have a tear bottle setting on my desk.  Here’s a link to where I purchased mine. www.potterylady.com  

No More Tears in the Future

Therefore, there is hope. In Revelation, the last book in the Bible, we find it.  Revelation 21:4 says, But there is coming a day when He will wipe away every tear from your eyes.  There will be no more death, or mourning, or crying, or pain, for the former things have passed away.

Until that time, may we freely cry our tears. Our Heavenly Father welcomes them. We, in turn, can offer them back to God.

Dear Jesus, sometimes I only have tears.  I’m thankful that is enough.  I present my tears, hurts, and pain, as an offering to You, and as a memorial of my sorrow. Thank you for seeing and remembering every tear I have shed.  Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. What do you think of this idea of a tear bottle?
  2. If you are in a season of grief, please know that God sees your sorrow.  
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4 Replies to “God Sees Every Tear”

  1. Tears were almost made a sacrament in the early Church. This is a wonderful reminder of the grace that comes through tears when we offer them up and give our sorrows to the Lord, Maria!

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