The Hebrew Name El Shaddai

(Written March 16, 2023)

As a memory of my time in Israel, I wanted to buy a souvenir.  Our tour guide gave us with the opportunity to purchase jewelry from an Arab Christian in Jerusalem.  After much thought, I decided on a ring that was engraved in the Hebrew name El Shaddai.  

“I am God Almighty”

Interestingly, El Shaddai is one of the first names of God found in the Bible.  It appears in Genesis 17:1 and Genesis 35:11.  Both verses read, “I am God Almighty.” The original in Hebrew is translated El Shaddai.

El Shaddai means mighty and sufficient One.  The God who is enough.  In 1982, the song, El Shaddai, written and performed by Amy Grant, was made popular

The Hebrew Name El Shaddai

Genesis 17:1-2 further explains this name for God. When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am God Almighty; walk before me, and be blameless, that I may make my covenant between me and you and may multiply you greatly.”

According to the above verse, El Shaddai refers to a covenant God who makes promises between himself and his people.  As a result, He is a faithful God and a promise keeper.  Therefore, El Shaddai is the God I serve.

My Keepsake

Out of thanks and adoration, I wear my ring from Israel.  When people ask about the inscription on my ring, I explain the meaning of the name El Shaddai. Consequently, I want people to know that I serve a faithful God who keeps his promises.  Certainly, my God is mighty, and sovereign, and my all-sufficient One.

Thank you, Heavenly Father, for my ring, which is a keepsake of my trip to Israel.  Give me opportunities to share this beautiful name.  Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. What name of God do you best identify with?
  2. Investigate the meaning of your name.  Does your name describe you?
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2 Replies to “The Hebrew Name El Shaddai”

  1. Love your story about your ring and it’s amazing meaning! I love that it gives you opportunities ti share about our amazing promise keeping God who desires to have a relationship with each of us !

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