Total Abandon

(Written March 16, 2023)

As our Israel trip comes to a close, our last stop is the probable location of Jesus’ burial site. As we enter the garden tomb, our eyes are immediately drawn to the huge stone sealing the tomb. In an horrific manner, Jesus was crucified, died, and was buried just a few hours before sunset.  The burial was quick and hasty. Unfortunately, Sabbath would soon begin and Jewish law prohibited work on the Sabbath.  Despite the rush, three women were determined to minister to Jesus. With personal relinquishment and despite barriers, these women pressed ahead. Love and duty called them to action. Their example of total abandon leaves a legacy for us all.

Three Women & Total Abandon

Following the day of rest, three women were eager to go back to the tomb to properly anoint Jesus’ body.  The story is told in Mark 16:1-3.

When the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices, so that they might go and anoint him.  And very early on the first day of the week, when the sun had risen, they went to the tomb.  And they were saying to one another, “Who will roll away the stone for us from the entrance of the tomb?”

What resolve and determination!  These three women were on a mission.  With total abandon, they desired to show honor and respect to Jesus, their Savior.  Nothing was going to stand in their way.  They knew a Roman soldier was guarding the tomb.  They saw the 2000-pound stone blocking the entrance.  Remarkably, these women weren’t dissuaded.  Obstacles would not deter them.  Mary, Mary, and Salome acted in total abandon.  Nothing could stop them!

God Provided the Way

Astonishingly, God provided a way.  The stone was moved… because Jesus Christ was alive.  He had risen!

Thank you, Jesus, for the example of these three women. What great faith, love, and devotion they possessed!  I too desire to live a life in total abandon to you!  Thank you for my amazing trip to Israel and for being my Savior and Messiah!  Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. Give an example when you stepped out in faith and didn’t worry about potential obstacles.
  2. How can you show total abandon to Jesus today?
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4 Replies to “Total Abandon”

  1. I feel like your blog post was for Jim and me today, Maria. We are moving our belongings into a storage unit and following the Lord’s call back to Croatia! We’ll be there at least 3 months or longer if He gives us another assignment. ♥️

    1. Oh yes! Total abandon! Thank you for your faithfulness and example! I’ll be praying for you and Jim and look forward to hearing about your adventures!

  2. I am a thinker so this really blessed me. When God calls me to step out in faith, I will not get caught up in thinking and dwelling on all the obstacles.

    1. I have an analytical mind as well Shelley, so totally understand what you are saying. These 3 women were courageous, bold, and fearless–all traits that I need to work on.

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