The Ascent

Our property rests near the Ochoco Mountains.  The terrain is hilly and close to 4000 ft in elevation.  So, when I take my daily walk, I’m going up and down hills.  Rarely is the surface level.  The benefit is that I’m building leg muscles, lung capacity, and endurance. Similarly, in my spiritual walk, the Lord is asking me to continually ascend, moving ever closer to his holy mountain.  Psalms 120-134 speak of this trek and are called The Psalms of Ascent.

Praise for the Journey

The Israelites customarily made pilgrimages to Jerusalem to celebrate feast days.  They left the lowlands of Palestine and traveled to the highlands of Jerusalem.  During their ascent, they sang the Psalms of Ascent to music.

I love the symbolism of this journey.  Our current circumstances represent the lowlands of Palestine, and we continue to climb and strive for Jerusalem, our heavenly home.  But how do we make this strenuous and wearisome expedition?  The Israelites sang.  Their strength came from the Lord.  Psalm 121:1-2 says, “I lift my eyes to the hills, from where does my help come from?  My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth.”

As we climb, we are being cheered on by all of creation.  Isaiah 55:12 proclaims, “For you shall go out in joy and be led forth in peace, the mountains and hills break forth into singing and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.” 

Footwear for the Ascent

Don’t worry about having all the proper climbing equipment for the journey.  According to Habakkuk 3:19, God has provided all that we need. “The Sovereign Lord is my strength; he makes my feet like the feet of deer and enables me to go to the heights.”  Another translation says, “He makes me tread on my high places.”

The hooves of deer are uniquely designed to climb. They have traction and stability, enabling them to bound up the mountainside with elegance and grace.  In like manner, God has created us to ascend.  We aren’t supposed to stay in the lowlands.  Our goal is to reach our heavenly home.  

Start Climbing!

So, let’s get moving!  Let’s set our eyes on the things above and start our endurance training.  We have mountains to climb!

Dear Heavenly Father, I love my daily walks on our property.  The ascent is often fatiguing, but so worth the effort.  With even greater intensity, may I desire to ascend toward heaven. Thank you for giving me the feet of deer to handle the up-hill climb.  May I sing your praises, along with all creation as I climb toward my heavenly home.  Amen!

Questions to Consider:

  1. Do you consider this world your home or is heaven your home?  Explain.
  2. Do you ascend daily?  What are the obstacles you face in your climb?
The Ascent
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