Called to One’s Side

Autumn has arrived, along with its familiar sights and sounds.  The leaves are falling, and the temperature dropping.  Humans and animals alike are preparing for winter.  While I’m out walking, I see and hear the geese flying south.  When we see a flock of geese flying in formation together, we can often hear them honking.  Out of curiosity, I researched this habit to discover its significance. Interestingly, the geese are communicating to one another. The geese are literally being called to one’s side.  If a bird wanders from the group, they are reprimanded to get back in line and fly together again.  The flock’s strength, power, and connection, stem from the fact that they are side-by-side.

Symbolism Between a Flock of Geese and the Work of the Holy Spirit.

Before Jesus left this world, He promised to send the Holy Spirit.  He says in John 14:25-26, These things I have spoken to you while I am still with you.  But the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you.  

In the Greek, the word Spirit means paraclete.  The Holy Spirit is our comforter, advocate, counselor, and helper.  Paraclete also means called to one’s side It’s where we get the words parachute or paralegal. 

It’s amazing to me that Jesus loves us so much that He sent the Holy Spirit.  He didn’t want us to feel abandoned; so He sent help. The Holy Spirit is our parachute and lifeline, dependable and secure.  

We Are Called to One’s Side by the Holy Spirit

Our Paraclete, the Holy Spirit, calls us to His side.  Just like the flock of geese, the Holy Spirit wants to do life with us, side-by-side.  If we do so, we are less likely to stray off course.  Our job is to hear the Spirit’s voice and respond in obedience.

Lord Jesus, thank you for sending your Holy Spirit.  Help me to be sensitive to the Paraclete’s leading.  Give me a heart that beats in rhythm with your Holy Spirit.  I want to fly in unison with you, side-by-side.  Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. Are you flying side-by-side with the Holy Spirit or straying off course?  Explain your answer.
  2. Share a time when you knew the Holy Spirit was calling you back into formation.  What was your response?
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4 Replies to “Called to One’s Side”

  1. “Our job is to hear the Spirit’s voice and respond in obedience.” I love this. In times of chaos, doing the obedience as was pointed out in our study of Ruth, simplifies for me what I need to focus on. I don’t have to work it all out God will do that and I have the Holy Spirit keeping me close to His side.

    1. The obedience part always trips me up too! But it certainly does simplify our response. Right on! Thanks for sharing Carla.

  2. “ In the Greek, the word Spirit means paraclete. The Holy Spirit is our comforter, advocate, counselor, and helper. Paraclete also means called to one’s side.”

    What a wonderful word picture! I will now think of the Holy Spirit always walking beside me.

    1. I agree. Other languages sometimes seem more descriptive than the English equivalent. Thanks for your comment, Shelley!

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