An Altar of Remembrance

Do you have an Altar of Remembrance in your life?  An Altar of Remembrance is a marker, a stake in the ground, your pile of stacked stones.  It a memorial of God’s goodness and faithfulness.  Psalm 34 is an Altar of Remembrance for me.  I will never forget how God showed up in my life.  Likewise, I want others to know. Psalm 34: 3 says, Oh, magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together! Here is my story.

In my Bible, above Psalm 34, are the words MHNI, December 2003.  MHNI stands for Michigan Headache and Neurological Institute. Steve was admitted to the hospital twenty years ago for chronic and persistent migraine.  Psalm 34 became my battle cry as Steve and I prepared to travel to Michigan.  I prayed Psalm 34 repeatedly.  I believed God would heal Steve. Furthermore, I praised God ahead of time for the miracle He was going to do.

God’s miraculous power was on display

During our stay at MHNI, God’s miraculous power was on display for all to see.  Yet, Steve was not healed.  That puzzling paradox frustrates our understanding, but is often how God works. 

During Steve’s three week stay, the hospital became our mission field.  Patients at the hospital were desperately and chronically sick.  The patients, along with their circle of support, needed hope.  In amazing ways, God used Steve and me as conduits of His hope.

Thankfully, family members and caregivers were encouraged to come with their loved ones to MHNI.  We were there to support and encourage the patients; but we were also there to learn. We were educated on the anatomy of migraine, the effects of migraine on sufferers and their families, coping skills, and various treatment modalities. 

God Can Deliver Us from Our Fears

Fear is often paralyzing, especially when we don’t know what lies ahead.  Fear was evident on people’s faces at MHNI.  Psalm 34:4-5 says, I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears.  Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed.  

I was able to be at MHNI for approximately half of Steve’s three week stay.  During that time, Steve and I would walk the hospital halls and hear the stories and struggles of the other patients and their families.  After one interaction, I had a lady say to me, “I want to think like you.  Is there any book I could read to think like you think?”  Indeed!  I told her that my hope comes from Jesus and the Bible.  Steve and I started passing out Bibles which were eagerly accepted.  We distributed so many Bibles that the chaplain ran out of them!

God is Near the Brokenhearted

When Psalm 34 was penned by David, he was in trouble.  Similarly, the patients at MHNI were at their “wits end” with pain, treatments, medication, and hope.  Their hearts questioned, “Is there a way out?”

Thankfully, we are not alone in our heartache and desperation.  God is with us. Psalm 34:18 says, The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.  God sees and hears our cries for help.  Consequently, Steve and I shared our hope in Jesus.  Our conversations seemed so natural and effortless.  With great joy, Steve had the opportunity to lead his roommate to the Lord.  

An Altar of Remembrance

Psalm 34–An Altar of Remembrance

Our stay at MHNI was an incredible display of the power of the Holy Spirit.  It was God’s power, not Steve’s or mine.  Unfortunately, Steve wasn’t healed of his chronic migraine.  However, God forever changed and refined us.  God walked with us.  He chose to use us; and His resurrection power was explosive!

Twenty years later, Psalm 34 remains an Altar of Remembrance for me.  Psalm 34 is still my battle cry for Steve’s deliverance from chronic pain and migraine.  Although migraine still prevail, God has not been silent.  I will cling to my Alter of Remembrance as a memorial of God’s faithfulness.  Psalm 34:22 concludes the psalm.  The Lord redeems the life of his servants.  Yes, He does!

My Lord and Savior, there are times in our life when Your power is fully on display.  Our stay at MHNI was one of those times.  The image of stacked stones with Psalm 34 will always be a picture of Your faithfulness to me.  May I never forget!  Amen!

Questions to Consider:

  1. How has God shown up in your life in astonishing and unexpected ways?  Share an Altar of Remembrance you have.
  2. How can you ensure you don’t forget God’s faithfulness in your life?
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4 Replies to “An Altar of Remembrance”

  1. What a beautiful reflection, Maria. What a journey and test of faith this has been for you, Steve, and your family.

    1. Thanks Terry! Yes, I don’t want to sugar-coat the journey because it has been challenging. But I can honestly say that the Lord has walked with us and He is good.

  2. Yes-Maria a beautiful testimony of how you are taking your hardship and using it for God’s glory. I’ve been studying Hebrews and have camped out in chapter 12:4-12 for a bit. I recognize that Brian and I are having our faith exercised, and training us for righteousness sake. We are encouraged that number 1- it proves we are His children! 2- It is for our good. 3- It is required to share in his Holiness. The reward comes in vs. 11, where we see what it produces-harvest-(a whole bushel and more!) of righteousness and peace!
    I’m working on vs. 12 where it directs our attention to our ultimate healing!!!

    I enjoy your posts and don’t always comment, but want you to know the Lord is using you!
    Much love, Karen

    1. Thank you, Karen, for your encouragement, and for you and Brian’s example of perseverance and faithfulness. I now want to dig into Hebrews 12! Sending love and prayers. Miss you!

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