
Our house is currently being remodeled.  We decided to move out during the remodel, since the work is extensive and because of Steve’s fragile health.  For these reasons, we rented a nearby bungalow to live for three months. Thankfully this limits our exposure to the daily dust, smells, noise, unrest, and mess!

Based on our remodeling experience so far, this is what I have determined:

  1. A remodel takes time. From start to finish, vision to completion, it is a long game.  
  2. One decision leads to another, often expanding your original intent. Basically, the remodel snowballs, rapidly growing in duration and cost.
  3. Remodels require planning, money, time, patience, and more patience. 
  4. The end result is hopefully worth it, and increases the value of the house.

Phase 1, Destruction

The word remodel means to change the structure or form of something, especially a building.  Therefore, in a remodel, the old needs to be destroyed or repurposed before something new can take place.  Consequently, the first phase of a remodel is destruction.

I’m intrigued with the meaning of words, so researched the prefix “re”.  Re” means to go back to basics or return to the beginning.  When mentioned in the Bible, the prefix “re” refers us back to the very beginning, when God created the Garden of Eden.  Before sin entered the world, the Garden was perfect.  

As this definition applies to our house remodel, the goal is to return the house to its original grandeur.  When our house was built in 1998 it was new, beautiful, and modern.  Twenty-five years have taken a toll.  The house looks used, a little worn out, and in need of some updates. Hence, a remodel is necessary to restore the house to its original beauty.

When I think about going back to the beginning, I wonder if my heart could use some remodeling?  Granted, sin has always been, and will continue to be a part of the human condition.  Yet, have I allowed some unhealthy habits to develop?  Are past hurts lingering?  Am I showing signs of discontentment in my heart that I haven’t dealt with?  Do I need to allow God to enter in to make some constructive changes?

Phase 2, Something New 

Isaiah 43:19 says the following:  Behold, I am doing a new thing, now it springs forth, do you not see it?  I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. God wants to remove the dry places in my heart and do a new thing.  He wants to take me back to the beginning and experience oneness with Him.  But God needs to get rid of the old in my heart before the new can enter in.

Remodel My Heart, O Lord

Is God remodeling your heart?  It may be painful and messy as He purges the old to make way for the new.  Unfortunately, we can’t move out while this remodel is taking place.  But as in any remodel, we focus on the goal.  We want to be realigned with God’s heart.  God wants to purge the old and decayed, so He can replace it with something new, refreshing, and beautiful.  We pray for patience as God’s remodeling takes place. God wants to do a new thing!  Remodel my heart, O Lord!

Dear God, the Father, I look forward to the completion of our house remodel.  In  similar fashion, I praise you that you love me enough to want to create something new and exciting in my heart.  Your remodeling project in me will be ongoing, sometimes painful, but always growing me closer to you.  Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. What parts of your heart need to be remodeled?
  2. How can you trust God to do the work?
Remodel my heart, O Lord!
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