A Bunker of God’s Goodness

A few years back, we had a neighbor who was a prepper.  He believed that a catastrophic event was likely to occur.  His goal was to be prepared.  Hence, he covertly constructed a camouflaged bunker for protection and stockpiled it with food, ammunition, and emergency supplies.

Even though you may consider our neighbor a bit fanatical, the image of a bunker is what I picture when I read Psalm 31.

In you, O Lord, do I take refuge…Rescue me speedily.  Be a rock of refuge for me, a strong fortress to save me!  For you are my rock and my fortress…  Psalm 31:1-3

In the cover of your presence, you hide them from the plots of men; you store them in your shelter from the strife of tongues.  Psalm 31:20

God is Our Bunker

A bunker is described as a defensive, high security, military fortification, designed to protect people and valuable assets from attack.  God is our bunker.  Those who fear God, take refuge in Him.  Amazingly, God wishes to protect us; because we are loved and precious in His sight.

Psalm 31 continues by describing what is stored in God’s bunker.  Oh, how abundant is your goodness, which you have stored up for those who fear you and worked for those who take refuge in you, in the sight of the children of mankind!  Psalm 31:19

God’s Goodness is Stockpiled

In addition to protecting and preserving His people, God’s goodness is being stockpiled.  HIs goodness is an inexhaustible treasure.  It is ready, hidden, safe, plentiful, and completely good.  Our God wants to bless us with His goodness before a watching world!

Let’s run to the bunker and find shelter in God’s goodness today!

Listen to how God’s goodness is running after you! https://youtu.be/OXXrk1IXluY?si=YGaE1ycMSqaj0uZh

Dear Heavenly Father, Oh, how you love me!  As I read Psalm 31, I am amazed at the great lengths you go to protect your children.  Thank you!  Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. Have you ever been in a bunker?  Describe it.
  2. How have you seen God’s goodness in your life today?
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