The Invitation to Come to the Water

There’s a pond in our backyard.  Birds and wildlife gather there.  They come to the water to drink, but also to frolic.  I watch from the window and laugh at their enjoyment.  Birds splash during their morning bath.  Butterflies sip nectar as they flutter around the rhododendrons. And a huge six-point buck comes to drink and rest under the shade of the pines.  Without a doubt, animals are drawn to the water. They accept the invitation to come.

The Invitation to Come

All of us have received an invitation to come to the water.  Psalm 42:1 says:  As the deer pants for streams of water, so I long for you, O God.

In the Bible, Jesus is often referred to as our Living Water.  The above psalm says that our longing for Jesus should be just as intense as a deer’s desire to find water. As we know, water is a necessary commodity. We need water for our sustenance and well-being. Water equals life.

I love the words to the Catholic hymn, “Come to the Water” which is based on Isaiah 55.  Listen to it now if you have the chance.

O let all who thirst,

And let all who have nothing,

Let them come to the Lord:

Without money, without price

Why should you spend your life,

Except for the Lord?

The Benefits of Living Water

In John 4:14 we discover the benefits of Jesus’ living water. “But whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

Jesus offers a never-ending water source. He is our living water and promises eternal life. Amazingly, His invitation is open to all. Won’t you accept His invitation today?

Dear Lord, just like the birds and animals enjoy our backyard pond, I too find nourishment, refreshment, and joy, from You.  Thank you for the invitation to come.  I rejoice that You are my Living Water. Amen!

Questions to Consider:

  1. Have you responded to The Invitation to Come to the Water?  If not, what is holding you back?
  2. Ask Jesus to give you a thirst for Him, and Him alone.
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