An Underground Life Source

This summer we had to remove three aspen trees from our backyard.  The trees stood a few feet from our pond.  Because aspen’s have an extensive root system, the roots were beginning to interfere with the structure and integrity of the pond.  Unfortunately, the trees had to come down.  This event made me ponder, does my life impact others positively or negatively?  What or who is my underground life source?

Aspen trees are uniquely designed.  They are often called quaking aspen, because on a windy day, you hear the leaves rustling.  As winter approaches, its leaves turn yellow before dropping off completely.  The trunk of the aspen has a beautiful, tubular shape.  The bark is smooth and white but marked by black scars, where lower branches have naturally self-pruned. 

But the tree’s expansive root system is the most notable feature of an aspen.  Aspens possess an underground life source that reaches up to a mile.  The root system may lie dormant for years.  Yet when conditions are right, an aspen produces a clone of itself.

Christians also have an underground life source

As followers of Jesus, I believe we too have a life source that runs deep with an extensive reach.  The first psalm in the Bible compares a healthy tree with a man or women who delights in the Word of God.

Blessed is the one who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law, he meditates day and night.  He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither.  In all that he does, he prospers.  Psalm 1:1-3

We, like aspen trees, will prosper when we are rooted in God’s Word

Our root system not only nourishes us, but also touches others, and encourages them to grow in their faith.  God uses us as a conduit of His power and love!

My Jesus and Savior, thank you for being my life source!  May my roots grow deep and wide for your kingdom.  Give me boldness to share my faith. May others find You as their underground life source.  Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. Who or what is your life source?
  2. How are you using your faith to positively impact others?
Aspens have an extensive underground root system
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4 Replies to “An Underground Life Source”

  1. It’s always a pleasure to read your posts, Maria. We have aspens in our front yard and I’m always amazed by how far their root runners go, sprouting here and there, even coming up on the other side of the house. Because the life source is the parent tree, this provides us with a reminder to stay strong to the end of our days as those behind (our disciples) watch how we live. Like the apostle Paul said, “Follow me even as I follow Christ.” My husband’s desire was ti finish well … and he did. I want to finish well, too, so that others may see good works and glorify God.

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