Be a Fruit Inspector

I love fresh fruit and vegetables.  So, I linger in the produce aisle whenever I go grocery shopping.  Before I make my selection, I carefully examine the produce to look for any bruises or blemishes.  I guess you could say, I am a fruit inspector.

When it comes to fruit, I prefer crunchy and firm textures.  Consequently, I handle the fruit to check for soft parts.  Produce only goes into my shopping cart after a thorough inspection, when I’ve determined the fruit or vegetable acceptable to purchase.

God’s Word says we are to be known by the fruit we produce in our lives.  

Either make the tree good and its fruit good, or make the tree bad and its fruit bad, for a tree is known by its fruit.  Matthew 12:33

I understand how this relates to a fruit tree—but what is the connection with people?

Matthew continues in Matthew 12:34b: For out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.

What pours out of my mouth is an indication of what lies in my heart.  Words are the doorway to the heart.

I’m a fruit inspector when I go to the grocery store.  Am I equally as diligent about inspecting the condition of my heart?  Is good fruit evident from the words that I speak?

Lord, please show me what truly lies within my heart.  I want to produce good fruit, demonstrated by the words I speak.  Help me fill my heart with whatever is true, honorable, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy.  (Philippians 4:8).  In your precious name, Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. Think about your words today.  Would you consider them good fruit or bad fruit?
  2. Mediate on Phil. 4:8. How can you consciously work at putting good fruit into your heart?
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8 Replies to “Be a Fruit Inspector”

  1. Great analogy, Maria. And I love your focus. We should inspect the fruit of our own hearts. Too often we are guilty of inspecting the fruit of other people rather than ourselves.

  2. Camping season….yahoo!
    It is a major blessing that we have the God given ‘free-will’ to think about anything we desire! It is also a major responsibility! Help me Lord to think on the good and right things…the truth of Your word and who You are…the amazing things You have done and what You are doing and will be doing …I need Your help! I want my mind to camp in the best spots…..and then out of my mouth will come the best things….the words that are immersed in the Fruit of the Spirit! Help me to camp in the middle of the stream…not on the bank….NO… in the middle!

  3. Thank you Maria for your short, pithy, et encouraging reflections. Regardless of one’s faith tradition I find your postings helpful! A daily reminder of the choices we make to be light

  4. Beautiful devotional! Life usually exposes my “fruit,” but I find that spending more time in His presence is the key to my producing good fruit. ♥️

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