Bud Break and New Life

The calendar says it is spring; however, the weather is still in a state of flux.  Unfortunately, I need layers of clothing as I head outdoors today.  But even though the wind is cold, I am excited to observe seasonal changes.  There are signs of new life.  Seeing crocus creep from the ground or leaves beginning to sprout, put a smile on my face.  Slowly and methodically, transformation is occurring.  To my surprise, I recently discovered there is a horticultural term for this metamorphosis.  It’s called bud break.

What is Bud Break?

I first heard the term bud break while touring a vineyard.  Bud break happens in the springtime.  It is a glorious demonstration of beauty when buds break forth on the vines.  Seemingly overnight, the branches awaken from dormancy.  Somehow, power is being drawn from deep within the plant and pushing forth new growth.  This breakthrough appears to be sudden, although it has been germinating for quite some time.  However, bud break is the first visual clue that growth and nourishment are taking place beneath the surface.  

In a vineyard, bud break is tied to environmental conditions.  Temperature is important, both in the soil and in the atmosphere.  In addition, the variety of grape also matters.  Certain grapes spring forth earlier than others, producing a unique and distinct taste.

The Spiritual Connection 

Bud break elicits a beautiful word picture that also has spiritual significance.  I’m reminded of Isaiah 43:19.  “Behold, I am doing a new thing.  Now it springs forth.  Do you not see it?”  

God is in the business of transformation.  Through the power of the Holy Spirit, He is working beneath the surface, to create something new in us.  God wants to break through our barren and desperate hearts, with the truth of His love, redemptive power, and grace.  This creates new life.  God wants to create a bud break in us!  

Bud Break Equals New Life

Just like the blossoms that represent spring, I desire for a bud break in my life.  However, change happens from the inside out.  So, God has some heavy duty work to do in my heart and mind.  Sometimes we aren’t even aware it’s happening, until it bursts forth.  However, once Jesus transforms us, we can’t hold it in.  Beautiful buds will be visible, screaming of new life within.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 2 Corinthians 5:17

Thank you, Jesus, that you are making all things new.  May my life spring forth with beauty and Holy Spirit power.  I want the world to celebrate You from the bud break in my life. Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. Is God doing something new in your life?  Share this with others.
  2. Keep your eyes open to bud breaks you notice in nature and in people.  Praise God for His transformative work.
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2 Replies to “Bud Break and New Life”

  1. This is a beautiful description of Isaiah 43:19. I will never look at that verse the same way. You put life into it for me Maria, thank you so much.

    1. Thanks Connie! I am a visual person so I love it when the Lord gives us word pictures to help describe or explain a verse.

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