Can I Get a Witness?

Can I Get a Witness?  This commanding question is often heard from the pulpit of African American churches.  Yes!  I want to be a witness for Jesus!  Nevertheless, an awkward interaction with a neighbor convicted me.  If I don’t tell my story, who will? 

According to Webster, a witness is a person who can attest to the reality of a fact. I want to testify of Jesus’s goodness and amazing grace.  When my life is sweet, I want to be a witness.  But even more importantly, when my life is painful and hard, I want to be a witness for Jesus.  Without a doubt, we all have a story to tell, and our stories has influence.  

“You are my witnesses,” declares the Lord, “and my servant whom I have chosen, so that you may know and believe me and understand that I am he.”  Isaiah 43:10

And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent his Son to be the Savior of the world.  1 John 4:14

Through the Eyes of Others

I recently was introduced to a neighbor for the first time.  We were sharing about ourselves. I mentioned that I was out alone because Steve had a migraine and was at home in bed.  In a surprisingly authoritative voice, the woman announced that there are numerous treatments for migraine, and she saw no reason why Steve should have to suffer so severely.  I found her comment striking, since this was our first encounter, and she had no knowledge of our situation, whatsoever.  As we continued our discussion, I said that we are people of faith and that the Lord has sustained us throughout Steve’s 25-year journey with chronic illness.  In fact, I said that I couldn’t imagine walking our journey without Jesus at our side.  Abruptly, the neighbor responded, “Well it sure doesn’t sound to me that Jesus is helping at all!”  

I was taken aback by this women’s bluntness.  I took a deep breath.  Then I smiled and directed the conversation elsewhere.

Can I Get a Witness?

I wish I would have handled this exchange differently.  Hopefully, I’ll have more opportunities to interact with this neighbor.  In the meantime, I am praying for power and boldness as I testify of Jesus’ steadfast love, especially in the wake of trials and suffering.  The Holy Spirit will use my story.  I just need to faithfully share it in word and action.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.  Acts 1:8

Listen to the song, Can I Get a Witness, by The Sound.

Holy Spirit, I need Your power.  May I unashamedly open my mouth and testify to the world what You mean to me.  Help me to be bold and courageous!  Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. Can Jesus get a witness from you?  What’s your story?
  2. Share a time when God used the power of your story in someone’s life.  How did that encourage you?
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