Climbing Out of the Pit of Despair

Do you ever feel like you have been thrown into a deep pit and can’t get out?  With all your strength and mental capacity, you try to escape.  But again and again, you fail.  Anxiety, fear, and doubt, envelop you.  You try climbing out of the pit of despair; yet you don’t know how.  You can’t do it alone.  Perhaps you can identify with this cry:

Save me, O God!

For the waters have come up to my neck.

I sink in deep mire, where there is no foothold:

Regrettably, I have come into deep waters, and the flood sweeps over me.  

I am weary with my crying out: my throat is parched.

My eyes grow dim with waiting for my God.  Psalm 69:1-3

The Ploy of the Enemy

On-going suffering and chronic illness can easily produce overwhelming despair.  It can feel like quicksand.  The harder you try, the deeper you sink.  Granted, Satan knows our weaknesses and is ready to pounce when we are vulnerable.  Interestingly, one of Satan’s goals is to wear us down.  Listen to this verse:  

He (Satan) shall speak words against the Most High and shall wear out the saints of the Most High.  Daniel 7:25

According to Webster, weariness is a reluctance to see or experience any more of something.  When we’ve reached a state of weariness, we are tempted to give up.  We are at our wits end.  Our mind can start spiraling downward, into an unhealthy path.  

What’s the use of trying?  

God isn’t helping me; therefore, He must not care.  

I’m of no use to myself or others.  Won’t everyone be better off without me?

Climbing Out of the Pit of Despair

I plead with you to fight and not give in to this seductive thinking.  God’s Word tells us to prepare for Satan’s attacks and to defend ourselves with hope. 

Thankfully, ever so slowly, my husband, Steve, is gaining traction and emerging from his pit of despair.  He is seeing a breakthrough in his depression, resulting  from years of chronic pain.  Granted, I don’t know your circumstances.   But this is a plea to hold onto hope and never give up. Listen to Hold On To Hope:

To some degree, we have all experienced the pit of despair.  Yes, Satan’s schemes are present.  Yet, God and the power of the Holy Spirit are stronger than Satan.  Therefore, when you find yourself in the pit of despair, pray the following from Romans 15:13.  Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you believe so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Dear God, you are the Giver of Hope, and the God of all Mercy.  Save us when we find ourselves flailing in weariness.  We thank You now, knowing that You will come through for us.  Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. Share a time when you have been in the pit of despair.
  2. How do you stay encouraged when your situation is bleak?

Climbing Out of the Pit of Despair

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