Devil’s Thorn

Our ranch can get windy, especially during the late afternoon.  Because of the wind, I often discover that flowers have been transplanted on the property.  This is a fun discovery.  But the wind can also carry unwanted, toxic weeds such as Devil’s Thorn.

Agricultural experts warn that certain invasive, noxious weeds must be eliminated.  If permitted to grow, these weeds can quickly spread and overtake the the ecosystem and natural habitat.  Controlling them becomes an ongoing battle.

The Deception

I’ve been watching the development of a weed on our property.  In fact, at first, it doesn’t appear to be a weed at all.  When I first spotted this invader, it reminded me of a doily, like my grandma used to crochet.  The pattern is green, circular, and lacy. The weed looks quite lovely and delicate.  In a few days, a yellow flower emerges.  However, it doesn’t take long before its appearance turns menacing.

Within a short time, stems branch from the weed’s core.  The stems measure a foot in length.  On the end of the stems are burrs with a thorn-like appearance.  They are sharp, painful, and destructive.  The burrs stick to the soles of shoes and can easily puncture a bike tire.  The name of the weed is Goat’s Head or Devil’s Thorn.

Devil’s Thorn & the Progression of Sin

As I look at this devil’s thorn, I suddenly realize that its growth and progression is like sin.  Sin lures us in with its seeming attractiveness.  The enemy knows our hidden desires and tempts us accordingly.  Deception takes place.  The flowers on the weed hint of beauty and charm.  I am curious and want to investigate further.  Suddenly, the stems grow, as if trying to wrap around me.  Burrs emerge.  They grip me.  I have fallen into the trap of sin.

This is how the progression of sin is described in James 1:14-15.  But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own evil desire.  Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death. 

Desire leads to deception, which leads to disobedience, and results in death.

Dear Jesus, I am desperately trying to eliminate devil’s thorn from our property.  With the same determination, I desire to avoid sin.  I need your help.  I am so easily tempted.  Help me to recognize sin and turn away from it.  I can only do this through your power and strength.  Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. How can you guard your heart against the progression of sin? 
  2. Sin is sneaky and subtle.  Ask the Lord to give you the strength to avoid sin’s attraction.
Devil’s Thorn
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2 Replies to “Devil’s Thorn”

  1. I identified with ‘Strength Through Weakness blog’ before reading Devils Thorn – Sin’s Progression.
    Thank you for your encouragements that help me follow His Way.
    Love, b.

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