God of All Comfort

Our God is the God of All Comfort.

For years, I was on a speakers bureau, bringing awareness to the atrocity of child sex trafficking. This multi-billion dollar industry uses children as throw-away commodities. Money is motive, with sexual pleasure, the means.  Child sex trafficking is difficult to think and talk about.  However, awareness happens when darkness is exposed.  Only then, can steps be taken to eradicate this evil.

God of All Comfort

In 2 Corinthians 1:3, we read, Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort…

We are ambassadors for Jesus in this fallen world. In fact, we are Jesus’ hands and feet. Because Jesus loves us, we can bring comfort and encouragement to those in need.

Extending Comfort to Others

For five years, I volunteered with the Victim’s Assistance Program through the District Attorney’s Office.  My role was to come alongside and advocate for crime victims. This is how I met Josie.   I share this story when speaking about child sex trafficking.  Josie is a pseudo-name, used to protect her identity.

I met Josie in a hospital emergency room. It was 2:00 a.m. Josie had been raped. As a crime victim advocate, I was called to the hospital to support her.  Sadly, Josie’s story is very similar to other commercially sexually exploited children (CSEC for short).  

Josie is fifteen and a runaway from another state.  She lives in a foster home.  Josie doesn’t know her assailant’s name, or where in the city the rape occurred. Her surroundings are unfamiliar to her.  Josie sits alone in the emergency room.  I would soon learn that her mother is a drug addict, and her dad, an absent parent, whereabouts unknown.  Josie is sleep and food deprived.  She has nothing in her possession, other than a bag of candy and the clothes on her back. However, even her clothes would soon to taken from her, and labeled as evidence in a crime.  

It is highly probable that tonight wasn’t the first time that Josie was sexually assaulted.  Statistics are high. Over 90% of the CSEC population are sexually assaulted by someone they know, before they are trafficked. 

Comfort in Words and Action

As I sit with Josie in the emergency room, I speak words of encouragement and strength.  I tell her, “This is not your fault.”  I offer her a warm quilt and pair of socks. They are such small comforts in light of the situation.  Unfortunately, Josie is caught in a vicious web of neglect, abuse, and trauma.  She desperately needs safe people in her life, to tell her that she is precious, and valuable; that her worth is not determined by a man’s sexual fulfillment.  Josie’s road to recovery and healing is extremely daunting.  When her rape exam was over, Josie was led away in handcuffs, because of a parole violation for an unrelated offense.

Pass it Forward

We are God’s representatives on this earth.  Because we know the love and comfort of Jesus, we can extend that love and comfort to others. 2 Corinthians 1:4 continues, who comforts us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any affliction, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.

Is there someone in your life who needs comfort?  Perhaps the God of all comfort is sending you on His behalf.

Lord, Jesus, give me eyes to see those who are hurting around me.  Give me boldness to extend comfort. Thank You, that You are the God of all comfort.  Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. How have you experienced God’s comfort today?
  2. Have you extended comfort today? To whom?

God of All Comfort

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