God will Fight for You

Our God is a warrior.  In fact, one of the functions of an anointed king is to fight for his people.  A king protects what is rightfully his.  Consequently, he guards against the advancement of evil and enemy forces.  God will fight for you.  Will you let him?

The Lord of Heaven’s Armies is here among us; the God of Israel is our fortress. Psalm 46:7

“Then call on me when you are in trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory.”  Psalm 50:15

My Futile Attempts

So often, instead of turning to the Lord when I’m in trouble, I take matters into my own hands.  I want to fix the problem, and somehow believe I can do it.  

-A loved one has a health scare, so I frantically search the internet for treatments and cures.

-There is family conflict, so I allow negative thinking and wrong assumptions to penetrate my mind and heart.

-I lose my job and can’t find another.  Out of frustration, I turn to  unhealthy choices to cope.

-I’m overwhelmed with life, so I’ll fill my day with activity.  By constantly moving, I won’t have to deal with my troubles.

I fail to save myself or solve my problems.  In defeat and desperation, I finally look to the Lord for help.  If only I would have started there.  Amazingly, God desires to fight my battles for me.  But to my surprise, He tells me to stand down.  Apparently, He doesn’t need my assistance.

Be Still and Let God Fight for You

I need to allow God to fight my battles for me, as the following verses suggest.

“Be still and know that I am God!” Psalms 46:10a

The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.”  Exodus 14:14

I spend so much effort striving, trying to exert my influence and power.  However, the God of the universe is my power source.  He stands ready and waiting for me to call upon Him.  God will fight for me.  I just need to ask.  The song, Battle Belongs, has become my battle cry. https://youtu.be/johgSkNj3-A?si=F1HPcRCoTjO1ralk

God of Heaven and Earth, thank you that You are not only king, but a mighty warrior who fights for His beloved.  Thank you that you stand ready and willing to fight my battles.  In You, I am victorious.  Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. Who or what do you turn to when trouble hits?
  2. How have you learned to be still and allow God to fight for you?
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2 Replies to “God Will Fight for You”

  1. Thank you for this reminder, Maria. I’ve never heard this song before. I love the phrase, “I’ll fight on my knees.” I too often worry and get anxious instead of praying.

    1. Diane, I love this song as well. I am writing this devotion as a reminder to myself. I can write it, but do I fully believe it?

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