God’s Blanket of Love

I awoke to gently falling snow.  With beauty and grace, the snow slowly covers the earth.  As the snow accumulates, noise and activity seem to stop.  Stillness reigns.  A sense of contentment overwhelms me.  Like a cozy blanket, the snow provides insulation, comfort, and tranquility.  Interestingly, in a spiritual sense, God has covered me in A Blanket of Love.  In God’s tenderness and affection, He has designed a blanket specifically for me, in which I can securely rest.

Covered in Layers

Because I am always cold, it’s necessary for me to dress in layers, especially in the winter.  Thankfully, God has designed my blanket with several layers, adding weight and warmth.  Not surprisingly, Jesus is the first layer of love in my blanket. The fibers of this layer run deep, and the material is so soft.  I can feel the love of Jesus close to my skin, and close to my heart.

How precious is your steadfast love, O God!  The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings.  Psalm 36:7

God placed all things under Christ’s rule.  Ephesians 1:22a

For additional warmth and protection, God has uniquely designated my husband, Steve, as my second layer in His Blanket of Love.  Ephesians 5:23-24 continues.  The husband is the head of the wife, just as Christ is the head of the church.  The church is Christ’s body.  He is its Savior.  The church follows the lead of Christ.  In the same way, wives should follow the lead of their husbands in everything.

By God’s design, my husband has been given the responsibility of leadership in our home.  However, how he leads is important.  As a Christian husband who loves and serves Jesus, Steve is to cherish me, and to respond to me in an understanding way.  (Indeed, at times, this is an extremely challenging task!)  But without a doubt, love is the key.  Steve is not to lead in a powerful, arm-twisting manner, but from love.  

Accepting God’s Blanket of Love

I am so thankful for God’s Blanket of Love.  God adores me so much that He wants to protect me from harm and danger.  He wants to ensure I am cozy and content.  But unfortunately, I don’t always fully embrace the good gifts the Lord has given me.  I must admit, I sometimes want to kick off my blanket.  Occasionally the blanket feels too heavy or too warm.  I want to do my own thing!  But almost immediately, I am cold.  I reach for my blanket, because without it, I’m exposed and vulnerable.  Indeed, God knows what I need.  I need Jesus and I need Steve. 

Thankfully, God gently reminds me that His Blanket of Love is for my protection, not to ruin my fun.  I discover peace when I’m wrapped in my blanket.  

When our kids were little, I remember tucking them into bed and covering them with a blanket.  In like manner, my heavenly Father is gently draping His blanket of Love over me, as He tenderly kisses my forehead.  

My Lord and Savior, how precious is your love for me!  Like snow insulates the earth, may I allow you to cover me with your Blanket of Love.  May I joyfully cuddle in it.   Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. Describe how you feel when wrapped in a blanket.
  2. How do you embrace or reject God’s Blanket of Love?
  3. I realize that some reading this are single. Furthermore, not all husbands cherish and love their wives. Whatever your situation, please remember that the first layer of God’s Blanket of Love is Jesus. Therefore, how can you ensure you are tightly wrapped in Jesus’ covering?
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