Happy New Year!!

2023 is here!  Happy New Year! What will this new year bring?

2022 was a year of change, challenge, and celebration for Steve and me.  There were numerous stressors.  Some good.  Others not so good.  But throughout, God’s faithfulness and mercy were constant and new every morning.

Highlights from 2022

In 2022 we:

            Sold our beloved ranch and re-homed our horses

            Downsized immensely

            Bought a home in Bend, Oregon

            Moved on June 10

Said goodbye to our sweet dog, Zappa, in August

            Maria had cataract surgery in both eyes

            Maria was diagnosed with DCIS (ductal carcinoma in situ) and had subsequent surgery

            Alyssa and Ryan got married in Mexico on 12/2.      

And we did all of this with Steve having every-other-day debilitating migraines!

It was a lot, and we are still recovering.

Verse for 2023

Each new year, I choose a verse to cling to.  Exodus 23:20 is my verse for 2023:

“Behold, I am sending an angel before you, to protect you along the way, and to lead you to the place that I have prepared for you.”

Whatever 2023 brings, I know that Lord of the universe will walk with me.  In fact, He is sending an angel to go before me, to protect, lead, and place me exactly where God wants me.  

It’s with eager anticipation and hope that I look to 2023.  May you Dear Jesus, be glorified in my life during the coming year, whatever comes my way.  Amen!

Questions to Consider:

  1. Did you feel the presence of Jesus during the highs and lows of 2022?  Give some examples.
  2. As you look to 2023, choose a word, phrase, or a bible verse to focus on.  Share your decision with a friend.
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