He Touched Me

What’s your reaction when you see a homeless person panhandling, or an addict shooting up on the side of the road?  Unfortunately, I usually respond with an ungracious thought or reaction.  In stark contrast, Jesus gravitates towards those whom society considers unclean or unworthy.  Jesus touches the untouchables. He also touched me.

Jesus Touches the Untouchables

In biblical times, leprosy was an extremely contagious skin disease.  Lepers were outcasts and shunned.  They were sent to leper colonies, far away from their families and friends.  If you touched a leper, you would be labeled unclean and risked the high probability of getting the disease yourself.

Jesus takes a different approach.  Instead of staying away from those that society labels untouchable, Jesus is drawn to them.  Jesus healed the lepers. 

A man with leprosy came and knelt before him and said, “Lord, if you are willing, you can make me clean.”  Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man.  “I am willing,” he said.  Immediately he was cleansed of his leprosy. Matthew 8:2-3.

Instead of turning away, Jesus has compassion for hurting and broken people, including tax collectors, sinners, prostitutes, and people just like you and me!  

In Matthew 9:12 Jesus says, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.”

He Touched Me

Jesus’ touch has power.  His touch heals.  Jesus can heal us physically; but he also wants to heal us spiritually.  He is the great physician.

Lord God, I often feel unworthy.  Thank you for your willingness to touch me, even in my sin and shame.  Your touch is powerful and life changing.   Yes, He touched me!  Thank you, Jesus!

Questions to Consider:

  1. Who do you consider untouchable?  
  2. What areas in your life need Jesus’ healing touch?
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2 Replies to “He Touched Me”

  1. Maria, these devotionals are insightful, well-written, and just the right length. Great thought-provoking questions, too. I hope to see them in a compilation one day.

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