Jesus is My Living Water

Losing Physical Water

A photo memory from three years ago, popped up on my phone. It’s a picture of a well-drilling company drilling for water on our property. Unfortunately, our well went dry on May 16, 2021.  There was no warning, other than Central Oregon’s unprecedented 40-year drought.  Our 250-acre ranch was dry land; meaning no irrigation rights.  Physically, our well was our only water source.  However, spiritually I am reminded that Jesus is My Living Water.  In Him, I have everlasting life.

Losing physical water, sent us scrambling.  The drillers had a two-month wait list.  The goal was to drill deeper, but we had no guarantees that water would be found.  We had horses to water, vegetation to maintain, and personal water needs.  How would we manage this crisis?  Sadly, we had taken this natural resource for granted.  

Living Water Equals Eternal Life

In John 4:7-14, Jesus tells the story of meeting a Samaritan woman at a well.  He ends their encounter with these words:

Everyone who drinks of this water (from the well) will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again.  The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.   John 4:14

Jesus is my spiritual water which guarantees eternal life!  What a great reminder for me right now!  I can’t go without physical water.  Furthermore, I can’t go without Jesus. Jesus is My Living Water.  Jesus truly brings life–life everlasting.  

Doing Something New

Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not see it?  I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.   Isaiah 43:19

During our water crisis, I clung to the above verse:  As I broke it down into segments, each phrase gave me encouragement and hope as we faced this dire situation.  

Anticipating God to Act

I am doing a new thing:  The new will be exceptional, surpassing that which was formerly done.  

Now it springs forth.  Slowly and gradually, new growth is germinating.  It will bud forth like the opening of a flower.

Do you not see it?  This is happening before I perceive it, just like a seed in the ground before it sprouts. 

I will make a way in the wilderness.  The Israelites were supplied water in the wilderness (Exodus 17:1-7).  Similarly, our deliverance will display God’s love and power.  God will make a way, when there seems to be no way.  

And rivers in the desert.  The rivers symbolize the Holy Spirit and God’s abundance and extravagance. 

Jesus is My Living Water

Dear Father, Son and Spirit, sometimes Your lessons in life come through hardship.  I wish our well hadn’t dried up.  I don’t enjoy the emotional or financial strain. Yet You, in Your marvelous grace, have given me a visual picture of my spiritual need for You.  Jesus is My Living Water.  You are life-giving.  You are ALL that I need. 

Questions to Consider:

  1. Share a time when something you took for granted was taken away.
  2. Is Jesus your Living Water?  Explain what that means to you.


Water for discovered at 850 feet.  Praise God!

Water Discovered at 850 Feet

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