Joy in the Lord is Our Safeguard

I have a couple friends who exhibit the gift of joy.  I admire their bubbly personalities because their joy is contagious!  But what truly amazes me, is that their lives include much hardship.  Yet, they choose joy.  Joy in the Lord is their safeguard, in good times and in bad.   

Further, my brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord!  It is no trouble for me to write the same things to you again, and it is a safeguard for you.  Philippians 3:1

Joy Isn’t Determined by Circumstances

When the above verse was penned, life certainly wasn’t easy.  In fact, Christians were facing persecution.  For example, the author, Paul, is in prison and chained to a Roman guard.  Yet, despite his difficult circumstances, he found joy, and so can we!  Notice that we are told to rejoice in the Lord.  Money, possessions, and people, come and go.  However, Jesus remains steadfast. 

Joy In the Lord is Our Safeguard

The idea of joy being a safeguard is interesting. A safeguard is a defense or protection.  It keeps us from being harmed.  Consequently, joy is a shield, guarding our hearts and minds.  It protects us from discouragement.  Joy in the Lord helps us to persevere, press on, and find strength, even when our circumstances are daunting.

For the joy of the Lord is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10b 

Happiness Verses Joy

We sometimes confuse happiness with joy.  Happiness is based on happenings.  Consequently, when life is good, it’s easy to be happy.  Joy, on the other hand, is not based on our circumstances, but on our relationship with Jesus.  Therefore, are you happy or joyful?  How would your friends describe you?  

Let’s choose joy!

Dear Jesus, You anchor my soul. No matter what I’m facing in life, help me to choose joy.  Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. Do you find it difficult to choose joy when circumstances are tough?  Explain.
  2. How is joy a safeguard for you?
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6 Replies to “Joy in the Lord is Our Safeguard”

  1. Hi Maria,
    True joy is really a struggle in today’s environment. For me, I have to go to gratitude for even the small things. It helps to turn off the TV or news feeds and go for a walk in nature, or just sit and be in wonder of all the living things around me.
    I hope you are well,

    1. I totally agree with you Terry. So many things in this world can suck the joy out of us. You are taking active steps to combat that. God’s creation has a calming effect on me as well. That’s why I loved living on the ranch. Perhaps as brothers and sisters in Christ, we also need to do to a better job of encouraging one another to keep our eyes on Jesus. There’s a lot to ponder here. Thanks for the discussion.

  2. This is very timely for me. While recovering from having the bones in my foot fused, I have not been very joyful! God

    1. Hi Janet. I’m so sorry. I’ve had some foot issues lately and can sympathize. It’s amazing how many bones are in our feet! I’ll be praying for healing, encouragement, and joy in your recovery journey. 🙏🏻

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