Out of Alignment

Most likely, we have all driven cars that are out of alignment. Perhaps the tires need more air or haven’t been balanced correctly.  The car may shake, or veer to the right or to the left.  It takes effort to steer the car in the direction you want it to go.  

Often our hearts get out of alignment with God’s heart  

To be aligned with God’s heart, we must know what is required of us.  Basically, to be aligned with God’s heart, we must know God and walk in obedience to His laws.

Unfortunately, the word obedience often causes an instant negative reaction inside of us.  However, it shouldn’t IF we trust the character of the One whom we are obeying.

God is good.  He is a God of justice, mercy, and love.  He sees you and knows you.  Psalm 85:10-12 describes God.  Steadfast love and faithfulness meet; righteousness and peace kiss each other.  Faithfulness springs up from the ground, and righteousness looks down from the sky. Yes, the Lord will give what is good, and our land will yield its increase. Surely, the God of the universe is worthy of our obedience!

An interesting result occurs when we obey.  Blessings follow.  Instead of worry and insecurity in our hearts, we discover peace and rest.  This doesn’t mean our problems go away.  But our attitude changes, as we trust God to direct our steps.

Just like regular car maintenance, I need to periodically check on my alignment.  If my heart is aligned with God’s heart, I’m allowing God to take the wheel and control my navigation system.

Lord, I want my heart to align with your heart.  I need your help with this.  It doesn’t come naturally.  Give me the strength, faith, and desire, to walk in obedience with you. I pray in your precious name.  Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. What areas in your life are out of alignment?
  2. Give examples of how obedience has led to blessing in your life.
  3. How can you correct your misaligned heart when you stray off course?
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4 Replies to “Out of Alignment”

  1. How fun! Psalm 85 vs.11 & 12 have been illusive to my understanding – like playing hide and seek. Your insight in Out of Alignment spoke clarity – vs.12 The Lord will indeed give what is good…Thank you Maria

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