Please Swing the Door Open and Rescue Me

Without warning, I can find myself in a desperate situation. Immediately, I cry out to God for help. However, silence sometimes follow.  Where are You, God? I need you NOW! My cry becomes, “Lord, do not delay. Please swing the door open and rescue me.”

Because I follow a loving and faithful God, I am confident that rescue is coming.

“And call upon me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you and you shall glorify me.”  Psalm 50:15

Seal Teams

When I think of the ultimate rescue mission, I’m reminded of our Navy’s Seal Teams.  In military terms, Seal Teams represent a premier special operations force.  These Teams are tasked with reconnaissance, intelligence gathering, and rescue.  Their rescue missions are well-planned and executed.  Every detail is carefully calculated.  But in comparison, the God of the Universe can top the Seal’s most elaborate rescue mission.  He knows just the right time to step in.  He will swing the door open and rescue me at precisely the appropriate time and place, according to His will and purposes.

Israel’s Cry for Rescue

I am not alone in my petition for rescue. In the book of Exodus, we discover the oppression and slavery of God’s chosen people.

…And the people of Israel groaned because of their slavery and cried out for help.  Their cry for rescue from slavery came up to God.  And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant…Exodus 2:23-24

Then the Lord said, “I have surely seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters.  I know their sufferings, and I have come down to deliver them… Exodus 3:7-8

Please Swing the Door Open and Rescue Me

Rescue is coming because: 

God sees

God hears

He knows

God delivers

God’s compassion acts as a door hinge that swings the door open for rescue.  I can watch and believe that He will come through for me. I should never doubt that God is on a rescue mission.  

Dear God, my Father, thank You that You see, hear, and know, my dire situation.  I praise You ahead of time as I wait for Your mighty rescue.  Amen.

Questions to Consider

  1. What area in your life do you need rescue?
  2. How do stories of God’s rescue in the past encourage you today?

Please Swing the Door Open and Rescue Me

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2 Replies to “Please Swing the Door Open and Rescue Me”

  1. Oh Marie: God indeed sees, listens and comes to us in those dire moments as he does to share in our happiness and abundance. I know he is there but my human fragility sews doubt and confusion and tests my faith at times. I guess the best tact is to remain prayerful and centered as much as possible and trust that he is always there and constant.

    1. Colleen, I too wish I could be more confident in God’s rescue plan. I think my expectation of rescue is often very different than God’s. I’m learning much from reading Psalms and how David eagerly expected God’s rescue. So much so, that David praised God for the miracle of rescue before it happened. Now, that’s faith!

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