Prepared to Defend My Hope

I am challenged in 1 Peter 3:15b.   Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope that you have.  But do it with gentleness and respect. How can I make sure I am prepared to defend my hope in Jesus?

Prepping for the Future

Some people are preppers.  Their goal is survival. Therefore, they are prepared for any unforeseen emergency or natural disaster. They don’t want to be blind-sided.  Consequently, preppers put much thought and energy into being ready, by stock-piling necessary supplies.  Likewise, as a follower of Jesus, it’s crucial to be prepared. I will be asked to defend my faith.  How will I do that? Am I prepared to give a defense for the Hope that lies within me?

Be Ready!

When winter approaches, I prepare my car for winter travel.  I put on studded tires.  In the trunk of my car, I have an emergency winter kit, with extra gloves and a blanket.  I carry chains, just in case they are needed to cross the mountain pass.  I am ready!  However, am I prepared to defend my hope in Jesus, with the same thought and readiness?  I shouldn’t be caught off-guard, because the question will come.  How will I respond?

Prepared to Defend My Hope

Think about how Jesus has changed your life.  What stands out?  Do you have a transformation story, a life verse, or a special moment when Jesus became real to you?  Thankfully, the Holy Spirit will help guide us when questions arise.  But just like a good defense attorney, we want to be prepared.  Opportunities to share our Living Hope are awaiting!

Listen to Living Hope by Phil Wickham

Thank you, Jesus, that You are my Living Hope.  I want others to know You.  Help me to be prepared to share my Hope.  Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. Are you a prepper for Jesus?  Explain.
  2. Share an opportunity you had to defend the Hope within you.
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