Put On New Clothes

Grief is a healthy and normal process of coping with loss.  How a person grieves is unique to each individual.  In our society, we probably don’t spend enough time grieving.  We move on too quickly. Interestingly, in ancient cultures, clothing was an indicator of status.  Following a death or tragedy, mourner’s or widow’s clothing would be worn.  People in mourning were easily recognizable, because of the black clothing they wore.  Therefore, when a person put on new clothes, it symbolically demonstrated the end their publicly grieving.

Put On New Clothes

After a painful, life-changing event, we may have a difficult time looking forward with hope.  Grief is consuming.  Even after years of mourning, it may be impossible to let go of our grief.   And frankly, should we?  But interestingly, in Scripture, we find that God often gently nudges us to remove our widow’s garments.  He asks us to put on new clothes.

The Lord said to Samuel, “How long will you mourn for Saul, since I have rejected him as king over Israel?  Fill your horn with oil and be on your way.”  1 Samuel 16:1a

She took off her widow’s clothes…  Genesis 38:14

So, wash yourself.  Put on some perfume.  And put on your best clothes.  Ruth 3:3a

In each of these examples, there is a change in status.  A shift in mindset.  Only God can help us through the grieving process, in His perfect timing.  In Psalm 30:11 it says, You have turned my mourning into dancing; you have loosened my sackcloth and clothed me with gladness.

God Wants to Do a New Thing

Have you been living in the hurts and regrets of the past?  God may have something brand new and exciting for you.  But before you can receive it, you need to remove the mourner’s clothing and put on new clothes.

Isaiah 43:19 says, See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you no see it? I will make a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert.

Lord Jesus, sometimes I cling to my past heartaches instead of moving on.  Please loosen my sackcloth and clothe me with gladness.  I want to receive the “new thing” you have for me. Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. Is there any area in your life where you feel “stuck” in grief?
  2. Share a time when you made the transition from widow’s clothing to new clothes.  What was the process like?
Put On New Clothes
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