Road Tripping with Jesus

(Thoughts taken from the book, “Praying Like Monks, Living Like Fools” by Tyler Staton)

Matthew 7:7-8 says, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” 

For years, I have prayed and prayed for a particular request.  Here’s the problem, I’m not getting an answer.  Does the Lord not hear me?

We often view prayer in a linear way.  We ask.  God answers.  (And of course, the answer comes exactly as we requested).  Occasionally, this happens, but usually NOT.  

If our expectations in prayer aren’t met, what is our response?  So often, weariness and discouragement set in.

Take a Journey with Jesus

What if the discipline of prayer isn’t so much about getting our prayers answered, but growing in our relationship with Jesus?  Could the purpose of prayer be to change us?

As impatient people, we desire a “said and done” prayer.  We want quick results.  For example, many have prayed that my husband’s twenty-five-year battle with chronic migraine would end. Unfortunately, Steve still isn’t healed.  But that doesn’t mean that God isn’t working in our circumstances.

What if prayer is more like a road trip with Jesus.  We have a destination that we must travel; but we also want to experience the adventure of the journey.  During a road trip, there is plenty of time to talk, share experiences, and see new sights.  We discover much about another person while spending hours with them in a car.

Prayer is a journey with Jesus, our Savior.  The answer to our prayers may not be what we expect.  But the road trip changes us!

Dear Father, Son, and Spirit, your ways are beyond me.  I trust in your power and goodness.  Help me to be diligent to ask, seek, and knock in prayer.  Thank you, that you desire to go road tripping with me.

Questions to Consider:

  1. Share a long-standing prayer request that you have.  What have you learned while praying for this need?
  2. Think about a road trip. How can you develop a deeper relationship with Jesus in the journey?
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4 Replies to “Road Tripping with Jesus”

  1. Ugh…got me good. I also have been praying for several things a long time. One, in particular – even today. I realize that while I am praying for change in the other person, God is using their challenge to change me.

    1. Hi Shelley. Isn’t it amazing how God is always working, even when we don’t realize it, and in ways we don’t expect! Thanks for sharing!

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