Strength Through Weakness

Weak and vulnerable are two words that describe me right now. You are probably thinking, “Gosh, Maria needs to work on her self-esteem!” Maybe so.  However, I’m learning that God’s power is most evident in my life when I’m in a posture of humility before Him.  When I am weak, He is strong. Amazingly, here is where we find strength through weakness.

I was recently asked to lead a prayer ministry at church.  My first response was, “Why me? I know there are others more qualified to lead in this area.  In fact, I’d gladly pass on their names!”  But at the same time, I also knew that God wanted me to say yes. When the Holy Spirit prompts my heart; I am learning to obey.  

God Must Increase and I Must Decrease

But here’s the problem. Even though I said yes, I was clueless on how to proceed. I cried out to God in my human weakness and frailty.  He responded by saying, “My power is perfected in your weakness.”  The world promotes confidence, being in control, and taking charge.  But God desires a heart surrendered to His leading. My reliance on self, was actually blocking the Holy Spirit’s full potential in me.  John the Baptist understood this thought because in John 3:30 he says, “He must increase, but I must decrease.”

God wants His power to be on display in my life.  For that reason, I need to empty myself of any pre-conceived ideas of self-aggrandizement, so that I can be filled with the Holy Spirit.  It is Holy Spirit’s power, not my own.  I love the words of the song Gracefully Broken:  Your power at work in me; I’m broken gracefully.  I’m strong when I am weak.

Strength Through Weakness

The Lord seems to delight in using broken things, because that describes us all.  But how is it possible to be strong when we are weak?  2 Corinthians 12:9-11 has the answer.  But he said unto me, “My grace is sufficient for you, because power is perfected in weakness.”  Therefore, may I boast about my weaknesses, so the power of Christ may dwell in me.  That is why for Christ’s sake, I will delight in weakness, insults, persecution, hardship, and difficulties.  For when I am weak, then I am strong.

Strength comes through weakness.  It is God’s strength, working through me.

Lord Jesus, please use me.  Fill me.  May my weakness be a demonstration of Your power and strength to the world.  Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. How would you explain strength through weakness?
  2. Share ways you have relied on the Holy Spirit’s power instead of your own strength.
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4 Replies to “Strength Through Weakness”

  1. Amen… Like Elizabeth Elliot says, “Make yourself small, and let God be big.”

    Maria, believing for heavenly guidance, as you begin this new endeavour.

  2. Thanks for this, Maria. This has always been a difficult verse for me to work out in the midst of continual fatigue, tiredness and weakness at times. I will continue to learn how to rely on Him the rest of my life because I know that is the best position to be in!

    1. It’s pretty amazing how the Lord can use us when we have nothing to give. Only God! Thanks for sharing Diane. You are an example to me of strength through weakness!

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