Sweeter Than Honeycomb

Charcuterie boards are all the craze right now.  These boards are colorful and creative displays of meats, cheeses, fruits, nuts, breads, and crackers presented on a flat, cutting board.  Charcuterie boards can be prepared for picnics, special occasions, or as pre-dinner appetizers. https://www.momontimeout.com/best-ever-charcuterie-board/ Culinary artists suggest adding something savory and something sweet to your board.  Lately I’ve noticed a new trend popping up charcuterie boards–the addition of honeycomb.

Surprisingly, we also find honeycomb mentioned in the Bible as it relates to the Word of God.   Psalm 19 speaks of God’s Word as being perfect, sure, right, and true.  Listen to this beautiful description in Psalm 19:10. The rarest treasures of life are found in his truth.  That’s why God’s Word is prized like others prize the finest gold.  Sweeter also than honey are his living words—sweet words dripping from the honeycomb!

In Biblical times, honey was the sweetest substance known in the ancient Near East.  We find another analogy between God’s Word and honey in Psalm 119:103.  How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!

The more you taste, the sweeter it becomes

In Hebrew, the word “chekh” refers to the palate, where we get our sense of taste.  God’s Word does a spiritual transformation in our life.  Something that once tasted bitter, can become sweet.  Literally, God’s Word changes our taste buds!  The more of God’s Word that we taste, the sweeter his words become to us!

Whether you are grazing on a charcuterie board or reading God’s Word, let your taste buds be aroused!  The more you consume, the sweeter and more delicious it tastes.

Dear heavenly Father, I love Your Word.  May my taste buds always savor its sweetness.  For God’s Word is sweeter than honeycomb.

Questions to Consider:

  1. Why do you think God’s Word is compared to honeycomb?
  2. Does God’s Word taste sweet to you?  What word describes its taste?
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4 Replies to “Sweeter Than Honeycomb”

  1. Agreed! The Word is full of treasures for those willing to seek them out. I pray that those we love will come to crave the pleasure that we experience spending time in HIs Word.

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