The Garden of Gethsemane

(Written March 13, 2023)

The Garden of Gethsemane sits at the base of the Mount of Olives beyond the Kidron Valley.  In Greek, the word Gethsemane translates an olive press.  Gethsemane is a place of peace and serenity as you walk through its winding paths of olive trees.  But in this mediative dwelling, outside forces attempt to penetrate.

I was struck by the collision of good and evil.  Evil was desperately trying to invade and conquer.

As I sat and prayed, I wondered if I’d be like the disciples and fall asleep when my Lord asked me to stay awake and pray.  No doubt, my eyes would also become heavy; and I too would succumb to temptation.  

But my solitude was interrupted by chants. The Muslims were praying over the loudspeaker.  Cars were honking.  Noise and confusion were trying to divert my attention from the One who suffered for my sin in this garden.

Their efforts were in vain.

The gates of hell will not prevail against it.  Matthew 16:18b

The man of suffering becomes the crucified Christ and ultimately our resurrected Lord.

He will return.

Jesus Christ will reign triumphantly over sin and death.  Alleluia!

I praise you Lord for the opportunity to sit and pray in the Garden of Gethsemane.  It was here that you cried out to God in your agony.  You were crushed and pressed down by the weight of sin and death.  Yet you accepted your Father’s will.  Help me also to be able to say, “yet not as I will, but as You will(Matthew 26:39).  Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. Describe a time when you felt the tension between good and evil in your life. 
  2. What areas in your life do you have difficulty surrendering to the Father’s will?
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