The Heart is Deceitful

I need a heart check-up. Jeremiah 17:9 says, The heart is deceitful beyond all else, who can trust it?  At first glance, deceitful seems like a harsh description for my heart. According to Webster, deceitful means guilty, misleading, or misrepresenting the truth. But if I am honest, I know my heart can easily throw me off track. Recognizing the true character of my heart is the first step in keeping it pure. Therefore, I continually need to evaluate my heart against the ultimate truth, the Word of God.

Examining My Deceitful Heart

Keeping my heart aligned with God’s heart takes effort and honest introspection. Instead of an occasional exam, it’s a constant chore.  I need God’s help with my heart examination..  He gently shows me areas of concern, where sin has easily entangled me.  I know my pride, stubbornness, and need for control, often cause me to stumble. Lord, help me recognize the deceitfulness of my heart!

In order to protect my heart, I’m asking God for steadfastness and boldness in my faith. I do not want to be swayed by the ways of man.  I need to be anchored in God, my Savior. Only then can I stand firm against the attacks from the enemy.

Aligning My Heart with God’s Heart

I want my heart to be aligned with God’s heart.  Therefore, I am praying for a sensitivity to sin and recognition when my heart wanders.  God is loving and gracious. He forgives when I come to Him with a contrite heart and repent of my sin.

Create in me a clean heart, O God and renew a right spirit within me.  Psalm 51:10

Dear Jesus, I need your forgiveness on a moment-by-moment basis.  My heart so easily tricks and deceives me.  I desire for my heart to beat in steady rhythm with your heart.  Thank you for constantly loving me and chasing after me.  In your precious name, Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. What areas in your heart need to be aligned with God’s heart?
  2. What practices have you found beneficial in keeping your heart pure?
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2 Replies to “The Heart is Deceitful”

  1. For years my concept of how to “repent” was screwed up. Not because I wasn’t taught correctly, but just due to pride. Somehow, I had gotten it into my thick head (or the practice had just developed this way) that I needed to get my life right BEFORE coming to the Father to ask for forgiveness. Instead of seeking forgiveness and then allowing the Spirit to help me repent from the actual sin, I spent so much time and effort – in my own power – to attempt to get myself pure enough to come before God. I can only ascribe this personal failure to my selfish and prideful heart. I wonder how many other believers have struggled with my malady…

    1. Thanks for sharing Todd! I don’t think you are alone. I too, had a difficult time believing that God’s grace is FREE and has nothing to do with my efforts or power. I’m so thankful that Jesus invites us to come just as we are, (warts and all) to His throne of grace, where we can find forgiveness. Even when we turn our back on Him, God is always pursuing and chasing after us with His love. Amazing!

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