The Loud Sound of Praise

After Steve and I sat down at church on Sunday, I noticed he was on his phone.  I thought he was scrolling.  But instead, Steve was adjusting his hearing aids through an app.  The volume needed to be turned down.  Without a doubt, Steve knew that the noise level was soon increase dramatically.  As our service began, we were about to corporately praise our Lord and Savior.  The loud sound of praise would soon echo throughout the sanctuary.

The Loud Sound of Praise in Psalm 47

I just finished reading Psalms 47.  Not surprisingly, the psalm is noisy and thunderous.  Listen.

Clap your hands, all peoples!  Shout to God with loud songs of joy!  Psalm 47:1

God has gone up with a shout, the Lord with the sound of a trumpet.  Sing praises to God, sing praises!  Sing praises to our King, sing praises!  Psalms 47:5-6

The words are roaring.  The explanation marks are bold and pointed.  Obviously, the psalmists are not holding back.  They are overcome with praise for the God of Heaven and Earth.  According to Webster, praise means to express approval and admiration towards someone for their excellence, achievement, qualities, or actions.  Praise can be verbal, written, and through our deeds.  

Faith is a Verb

In Hebrew, faith is always considered a verb. Therefore, faith is not demonstrated in feelings or beliefs, but in our behavior.  Consequently, in Psalms 47, the psalmists’ faith in the Living God is on display through their loud and boisterous sound of praise.

How do you praise God?  I believe that my highest form of worship will not compare to the praise we will hear in heaven.  For then, the assembly of saints will be gathered around God’s throne, with unimaginable thankfulness and admiration.  O Praise the Lord, the King of the Universe! Thankfully at that point, our ears won’t need to be protected from the loud sound of praise!  

Thank you, Jesus, that I can worship you openly and freely.  Amen!

Questions to Consider:

  1. When you think of praising God, what images come to mind?
  2. How do you worship and praise God through your actions?
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