Watch Expectantly!

Think about your morning routine.  What does it look like?  Does it include coffee, exercise, children, making breakfast, packing lunches, prayer, God’s Word?  I am an early riser – between 4:30-5:00 a.m.  Because I’m a morning person, my brain immediately kicks in, so early morning is when I write.  However, at 5:45 a.m. my alarm goes off.  It’s a reminder to me to grab a cup of coffee and my Bible.  I turn my attention to reading and studying God’s Word.  Then I watch expectantly!

When we look at the Book of Psalms, we find that David also has a morning routine.  His routine is all about entering the presence of God. Psalm 5:3 says, O Lord, in the morning you hear my voice; in the morning, I prepare a sacrifice for you and watch.

David’s timing is specific:  in the morning.  In addition, David goes before God with confidence.  He watches expectantly!  He knows God hears his voice and cries for mercy.  Therefore, David looks forward to what God is going to reveal to him. Daniel 2:22 says, “It is He who reveals the profound and hidden things.” Furthermore, David doesn’t approach God with a feeling of entitlement.  Rather, David’s confidence is based on an intimate relationship with God, and God’s steadfast love.

A Note on Timing

When our children were small, mornings were a whirlwind.  I had no time to sit at the feet of Jesus.  Instead, I found time to open my Bible following lunch, after I laid the children down for a nap.  Or, perhaps, evenings are when you can grab some time alone.  The point is, make room in your day for Jesus.  But be mindful that the timing may change with the season of your life.

Approach God with Humility

Back to David…David approaches God in humility.  He brings an offering.  In another story in 2 Samuel 24:24, King David says “…I will not offer burnt offerings to the Lord my God that cost me nothing.”  David’s offering to God was a sacrifice.  It cost him something.

Watch Expectantly!

David was confident that God would meet him.  He watched expectantly for God to show up and to answer his pleas. He didn’t wonder.  David knew.

  1. Do I enter into the presence of God each day?
  2. Am I confident that God will show up and meet with me?
  3. Do I bring a sacrifice?  (For me, time with the Lord is my offering.)
  4. Am I eagerly anticipating what God will do?

Come.  Watch Expectantly!

Dear Heavenly Father, I want to have a relationship with you that includes familiarity and confident expectation.  May I come humbly before you each morning and watch expectantly!  In your precious name.  Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. Think about the four questions above.  How do you come into the presence of God?
  2. How can you grow in confidence and anticipation in your relationship with God?
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