What is the Measure of My Days?

A good friend of mine just experienced a health crisis.  She was diagnosed with sepsis.  Sepsis is a potentially life-threatening condition, where infection in the blood attacks your organs, causing them to shut down.  Thankfully, the disease was caught in time, and she is currently recuperating.  However, this experience made me consider how fleeting life can be.  What is the Measure of My Days?  Would I live differently if I knew the answer to this question?

Life is Brief

In Psalm 39, David’s cry to God is interesting.  “O Lord, make me know my end and what is the measure of my days; let me know how fleeting I am!” Psalm 39:4a

Why was David pleading for an answer to this question?  Apparently, he needed to know how much time he had left.  Perhaps he was also facing a crisis.  Would David, like the rest of us, live differently If he truly knew how long he had left on this earth?  How about you?  What would you want to accomplish?  What legacy would you desire to leave your loved ones? Would you live more intentionally?  

We are Temporary Earth-Dwellers

Here’s a mantra:  short life, long eternity.  No doubt, eternity means forever.  In contrast, this life passes quickly.  As a follower of Jesus, I know that earth is not my home.  I am just passing through on my way to heaven, my eternal home.   I am a temporary earth-dweller on a quest for my real home, which is heaven.  Therefore, I don’t want to get too comfortable here.  

They agreed that they were foreigners and nomads here on earth.  Obviously, people who say such things are looking forward to a country they can call their own.  If they had longed for the country they came from, they could have gone back.  But they were looking for a better place, a heavenly homeland.  Hebrews 11:13b-16  

What is the Measure of My Days?

So, I ponder.  Age-wise, I am now considered a senior.  How many more years will I have on this earth?  Whatever the number, I don’t want to waste my time.  I want to be a productive and effective human being.  I desire to live with purpose and conviction.  However, I also must remember that I ultimately belong with Jesus, in heaven.  That is where l call home.

Dear Jesus, I look forward to spending eternity with You in heaven.  In the meantime, may I not lose sight of my purpose here on earth.  Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. What are your thoughts about being a temporary earth-dweller?
  2. Do you long for heaven?  Why or why not?
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4 Replies to “What is the Measure of My Days?”

  1. I long for heaven, and for the peace, joy, love that will be there. No tears, no death, no dying.

    I also want to be productive and hear the words: “Well done, my good and faithful servant.”

  2. Maria,
    I love the thought of being a temporary earth dweller. I, too, feel the final chapters are to be written. I want to fill each remaining chapter with a love and service to the Lord and others. These are what I believe to be the most important years of our lives. We have the knowledge, maturity, and experience to share with the younger generations. There are so many in pain these days and in need of the good Word.

    1. Well said Terry! Until the Lord takes us home, we have much to do. We are all missionaries with our mission field being our family, neighborhood, work place, and sphere of influence.

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