When Light Shines in the Darkness

Recently, I was asked to share my faith journey.  As I was prepping and praying about what to share, I suddenly saw a theme which I hadn’t noticed before.  My story, along with my husband’s, could be titled When Light Shines in the Darkness.

The people who walk in darkness will see a great light, those who dwell in the land of deep darkness, on them has light shone.  Isaiah 9:2

The Darkness of Depression

Throughout my husband, Steve’s, twenty-five-year battle with chronic pain, depression has been an unwelcome side effect.  Granted, it is very common for these two comorbidities to exist together.  Chronic illness exhausts your body, physically and mentally.  It wears you down. Therefore, participation in life becomes extremely difficult.  With energy depleted, even the simplest task becomes a struggle.  With this backdrop, depression can show its ugly head.  Its thick shroud covers everything.  

Our Reality

As Steve struggles with depression and chronic pain, we cry out to God for healing.  Jesus is our great physician. Therefore, we are confident that He can heal Steve at any moment, if He so chooses.  Currently, physical healing has not happened.  However, we do lose hope.  Instead, we pray, “Dear Lord, use this illness for good.  Redeem!  Restore!  Show us how Steve’s darkness can bring light to a fallen world.”

God Uses Our Pain

I sometimes pray in a linear manner.  Meaning, I don’t see the whole picture.  From my perspective, I only see the need for Steve’s physical healing.  However, God sees so much more.  He uses our experiences, even the difficult ones, to influence others.

Then shall your light break forth like the dawn, and your healing shall spring up speedily; your righteousness shall go before you; the glory of the Lord shall be your rear guard.  Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; you shall cry, and He will say, “Here I am.” Isaiah 58:8-9a

When Light Shines in the Darkness

God has not wasted Steve’s depression nor our story.

— Our hope in Jesus was evident when Steve was sent to the Michigan Headache and Neurological Institute for three weeks.  Here our lives testified to fellow patients and their caregivers.  They asked us how they could receive the same hope we possess.

— For ten years, we were involved in a ministry working with victims of child sex trafficking.  By educating the public, we helped bring awareness to this evil industry.  We also opened our home providing a respite for several girls who had been trafficked.

–My past and present volunteer work as a crime victim advocate and reviewer of foster care cases, has allowed me to enter tragic and dark places.  I pray that the light of Jesus shines through me.

-Where does our help come from? The world is watching.

Walking from Darkness to Light

You see, when Jesus enters our lives, He penetrates the darkness and brings healing and new life.  As in our case, this new life has gone far beyond physical healing. We pray that God will continue to use our story to bring light to a dark world.

Dear Lord Jesus, You are the light of the world!  Thank You, that Your light shines in the darkness.   Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. What is the theme of your faith journey?
  2. Do you have a darkness to light story? Share it with someone.
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