Wildfires of the Heart

What is your heart condition? Learn what do we look for and how to diffuse a tenuous situation before you have Wildfires of the Heart.

The Right Conditions

Summer is here, which means it’s wildfire season in Central Oregon. Unfortunately, a continuing drought has produced severe, dry conditions in our region.  Consequently, Red Flag Warnings, with the threat of lightning strikes, are a regular occurrence.  Once sparked, weather conditions, wind, and the remoteness of the area determine a fire’s severity and strength. Therefore, wildfires become an eminent threat.

Proper Care and Management

As I ponder the force and magnitude of wildfires, the Lord is giving me an analogy as it relates to my own heart and the sinfulness that lies within.  Granted, sin seemingly has a way of catching me off guard.  Or perhaps I don’t notice the problem, until I have a wildfire blazing in my heart!

Ongoing debate exists on how to best manage our forests.  Some believe that dead growth on the forest floor creates a tinder box of dry fuel, which can easily ignite. Therefore, they advocate for thinning trees and doing prescribed burns to eliminate excess fuel for a fire.

In like manner, for my heart to stay aligned with God’s heart, it also needs proper care and management.  Otherwise, neglect, fantasies, lies, and temptations can easily take over. The charge in Proverbs 4:23 is to guard the heart with all diligence. Without proper attention and maintenance, my heart quickly becomes brittle and dry, lacking water.  My heart wilts, desperately looking for something or someone to quench its thirst. Jeremiah 17:9 says, the heart is deceitful above all else and desperately wicked; who can trust it?

Sin Produces Wildfires of the Heart

I do not want to be deceived!  With humility, I need to seek forgiveness for sinful thoughts and actions.  Assuredly, I don’t want my sin to accumulate like the dry, dead, debris on the forest floor.  I want to prevent a wildfire in my heart!

Dear Jesus, give me a heart sensitive to sin.  May I quickly recognize sin, confess it, and extinguished it.  As I hear about surrounding wildfires, may I be reminded to check the condition of my heart. Thank you, that I have the power of Your Holy Spirit to help me. Amen.

Questions to Consider:

  1. Prayerfully examine the condition of your heart.  What do you see?
  2. How can you maintain a heart pleasing to the Lord?
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10 Replies to “Wildfires of the Heart”

  1. Thanks for your insightful words and for giving a visual reminder that we can use to help remember and apply your thoughts to our lives!

  2. I watched someone that I love who was deceived, burn with sin. Her sin destroyed many things, and much was lost. This is such a good reminder to be ruthless with sin in our lives. Thank you, Maria

    1. I’m so sorry Shelley. I think we sometimes forget that there’s a battle going on for our hearts and minds. Create in us a clean heart, O Lord!

  3. I’ve observed that the closer I walk with my Savior the quicker I recognize my sin. Usually something on the inside that others wouldn’t readily see. I’m so thankful for the Holy Spirit who shows it to me. I appreciate your reminder that it is His Word that protects us for living a life to please Him. It’s a proactive attitude. The heart is always the heart of the issue. ❤️

    1. Hi Karen. Thank you for mentioning the role the Holy Spirit plays in keeping our hearts pure. Thanks for sharing and for reading!

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